بعد ان اتى للمركز نفسه المختص باللاجئين ،،، قال بان الطريقة كانت نفسها翻訳 - بعد ان اتى للمركز نفسه المختص باللاجئين ،،، قال بان الطريقة كانت نفسها英語言う方法

بعد ان اتى للمركز نفسه المختص باللا

بعد ان اتى للمركز نفسه المختص باللاجئين ،،، قال بان الطريقة كانت نفسها ،، وضع فك ابيض اللون في فم الدعدوش الذي يعاقب ،،، و غرس انيابه في يد الرجل ،، قال الرجل ربما قطع الاصبع كان اهون علي من تلك العضة المريعة ……….
المزيد: http://www.souriat.com/2015/05/3966.html موقع سوريات
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
After that came to the same status in charge of refugees, said that the way she herself, put white decoder in the mouth of the aldadush, and the implantation of teeth in the man's hand, the man said maybe cutting the finger was the lesser of that horrific bite ... ... .... More: http://www.souriat.com/2015/05/3966.html website of the Syrians
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
After that came the center itself competent to refugees ,,, that the way was the same situation ,, he said decoding white color in the mouth Da'duc which punishes ,,, and implantation of teeth in the hands of the man ,, said the man probably was a cut finger on the lesser of those horrific bite ... .......
More: http://www.souriat.com/2015/05/3966.html Soeriat site
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
After I came to the centre for refugees,,, said that the method was the same, and a decoding of the white color in the mouth is punished, 2012-06-02 and cultivate its teeth in the man's hand, he may cut the finger was easier on those horrendous bite. "More and more.Http: / / www.souriat.com / 2015 / 5 / 3966.html actress site
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