Biting. ". The new method followed by Dash organization "to some, known as" the teachings of legitimacy ", the method is illustrated by a specialist in management the" bite "of the Ykhalfn dress to wear the veil or legitimate limit.In the city of Mosul the stronghold to Dash "in Iraq, may be contrary to the wearing of the veil" bite "the most serious might face in their lives. Before the Russian woman's sexual recently used by the organization and its application on the application of wear.Legitimate "for women.
the recently that Russian women who belong to "concerns of women Dash Mosul (North), the second largest city in Iraq after charging more recently, the organization" bite "penalty for breach were not to wear full dress up)."Aldadt" as called by roaming the streets of the city of Mosul, the majority Sunni population, accompanied by members of what is called an "arithmetic" responsible for implementing legislation Dash "bite", and applies a penalty against women who might be the one I forgot or shtThe disclosed or revealed a small part of her body underneath the clothes is penalised.