توفر الشاشة عملیات ضبط متنوعة مرتبطة بالإخراج من الآلة، ومرتبطة كذلك بكل وظیفة من وظائف وحدة الإنھاء FS-532 ، أو وحدة الطي المتعرج ZU-608 ، إذا كانت الآلة مزودة بھا.
Screen provides various tuning processes linked to the output of the machine, and also all وظیفه الانھاء FS-532 unit functions, or folding unitZU-608 winding, if the machine is fitted with tips.
The screen provides a variety of processes associated with directing tuning of the machine, and also linked to each function of the unit termination FS-532, or unit Folding winding ZU-608, if the machine is equipped with Bھa.
The screen provides the major control linked to a variety of condemnation of the machine, and so all the functions of Wzyft Alanha FS-532 unit, folding unit meandering ZU-608, if the machine was equipped with Bha.