. وي ا رعى تطبيق ما سبق علي العمليات الاستي ا ردية التي سوف تتم اعتبا 翻訳 - . وي ا رعى تطبيق ما سبق علي العمليات الاستي ا ردية التي سوف تتم اعتبا 英語言う方法

. وي ا رعى تطبيق ما سبق علي العمليا

. وي ا رعى تطبيق ما سبق علي العمليات الاستي ا ردية التي سوف تتم اعتبا ا رً من أول يناير ٢٠١٦
هذا مع التأكيد على عدم استخدام الحدود الائتمانية المصرح بها للعملاء من البنوك في سداد
التأمين النقدي المشار إليه، بما فيها التسهيلات الائتمانية بضمان أو ا رق تجارية أو مالية.
أما بالنسبة للاعتمادات المستندية لاستي ا رد سلع لغير غرض الاتجار مثل ما تقوم المصانع
باستي ا رده من السلع ال أ رسمالية أو مستلزمات الإنتاج والخامات وغيرها، فلا قيد عليها على
الإطلاق إلا القواعد المصرفية المعتادة.
٣. عدم السماح بإعادة تمويل العمليات الاستي ا ردية لأغ ا رض التج ارة التي تخضع لتأمين نقدي
بواقع ١٠٠ % كما ورد بالبند السابق من خلال منح حد تسهيلات مؤقتة بالعملة الأجنبية وفقاً
، لكتاب السيد نائب محافظ البنك المركزي المصري رقم ٩ الصادر بتاريخ ١٤ يناير ٢٠١٣
ويستمر السماح بإعادة تمويل العمليات الاستي ا ردية التالية:
أ- العمليات لغير أغ ا رض التجارة.
ب - السلع الغذائية الأساسية والتموينية (غير شاملة هيئة السلع التموينية).
ج- الأدوية والأمصال والمواد الكيماوية الخاصة بها، وألبان الأطفال.
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
. Wii a sponsored application of the above import operations a rhododendrons will be aatba a year from January 1, 2016With emphasis on non-use of authorized credit limits for customers of banks in the paymentCash referred to insurance, including credit guarantee or a commercial or financial ways.As for the credits for a non-commodities reply Este trafficking such as factoriesBasti a throwback of the capital goods, raw materials and production supplies or other, not under themAll except the usual banking rules.3. do not allow import operations refinance a rhododendrons void a trade introduced the subject to the cash depositRose 100% as stated by the previous item by granting temporary facilities limit foreign currencyTo book the Vice Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt 9 January 14, 2013And continues to allow refinancing operations import a rhododendrons:A non-AG a supposed trade.B-basic food commodities and ration (excluding SCA).C-medicines and vaccines, chemicals, and baby milk.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
. Wei a sponsored application above the absorptive a rosy operations that will be Aattaba a year of the first in January 2016
that , with an emphasis on the non - use of credit limits authorized by the customers of the banks to repay the
cash insurance referred to, including credit facilities to guarantee or a commercial parchment or financial.
as for documentary credits for a response Este goods for the purpose of trafficking is like what the factories
Basti a response to a Smalah the goods or production, raw materials and other supplies from, there is a restriction on
all but the usual banking rules.
3 for sale . Not to allow refinances absorptive processes a rosy void a trauma Altj a ball which is subject to secure cash
by 100% as stated earlier item by giving a somewhat temporary facilities in foreign currency, according
to the book , Mr. Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt , No. 9 , issued on January 14, 2013
and continue to be allowed refinances the following operations absorptive a rosy: (
a) operations to non - ag a RIP trade.
b - basic ration of food commodities (excluding SCA). (
c ) medicines and vaccines , chemicals , own, and baby milk.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
. Wei I babysat applied the above operations Alasty a.. Shift that will take place Atba Ran from first of January 2106This emphasis on not using the authorized credit lines for customers of the banks to payCash insurance, including credit guarantee or i ue business or financial.As for the documentary credits lacetti a red goods for the purpose of trafficking such as factoriesBasti u al a capital based response of the goods, production equipment and raw materials, etc., there is no restriction on theAll except the usual banking rules.(III). Do not allow the financing of Alasty openid a reactance for OGA a new civilisation which are for cashWith hundred percent, as described in the previous section by giving some temporary facilities in foreign exchange in accordance withNo. IX, a vice governor of the Central Bank of Egypt issued on January 2013To allow the financing of Alasty following feedback.A process for ag e stamp business.B. food and commodities (not including the food).C - chemicals and pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and Albanian children.
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