قالت تقارير صحافية عراقية إن تنظيم

قالت تقارير صحافية عراقية إن تنظيم

قالت تقارير صحافية عراقية إن تنظيم "داعش" الارهابي يقوم بتأنيث هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر، التابعة له، فقد استحدث شرطة نسائية تحت مسمى "فصيل العضاضات" يرصدن المخالفات "الشرعية" التي تقوم بها النساء، ويقمن بعضّهن بوحشية.
إيلاف - متابعة: تناقلت مواقع اخبارية عراقية وعربية خبر تأسيس تنظيم داعش لفصيل نسوي مهمته تسليط عقوبة (العضّ) ضدّ النساء اللواتي يخالفن تعاليمه الصارمة في اللباس والأكل والشرب.
وبدأ تنظيم "داعش" مؤخراً بتسيير دوريات نسائية، تُعرف بـ"العضاضات"، في قضاء حويجة العراقي، مهمتها معاقبة النساء والفتيات اللواتي لا يلتزمن بـ"اللباس الشرعي" الذي فرضه التنظيم في مناطق سيطرته.
ويرصد "فيصل العضاضات" التابع لـ"الشرطة الإسلامية" المخالفات لتعليمات "داعش"، لـ"تنقض" بعدها "العضاضة" على المرأة المخالفة و"تعضها" من عدة أنحاء من جسمها بصورة مؤلمة تجعل الضحية تبكي وجعاً، حسب ما نقله موقع "الصباح" عن مصدر قضائي من كركوك، لكن لا يمكن التحقق من صحة تلك الأخبار نظرًا للحظر الذي يفرضه التنظيم على الصحافيين في المناطق التي يسيطر عليها.
وأوضح المصدر نفسه أن هذا "الإجراء العقابي" تطبقه نساء داعشيات في عدة مناطق يسيطر عليها التنظيم.
وكشف ذات المصدر أن هذا التصرف أثار الهلع بين نساء الحويجة التي يهيمن عليها التنظيم منذ حوالي العام، مشبهاً وظيفة "العضاضة" بما يقوم به "الكلب المسعور".
كما يفرض التنظيم عقوبات أخرى على نساء وفتيات الحويجة، كالجلد لكل امرأة تخرج دون محرم، سواء كانت فتاة شابة أو امرأة كبيرة في السن.
كما فرض "داعش" على سكان الحويجة قوانين صارمة، كتحديد اللباس المقبول للرجال بالزي الأفغاني وإجبار السكان على مزاولة مهن يفرضها التنظيم، بالإضافة الى منع التدخين وممارسة لعبة كرة القدم بين الشباب.
وفي حال مخالفة تلك التعليمات، يتعرض الشخص، إن كان رجلاً أو امرأة، لعقوبة "الجلد".
وكشف المصدر القضائي الذي تصل له معلومات من داخل الحويجة أن المؤسسات القضائية استبيحت من قبل عناصر "داعش" وباتت عماراتها "أوكاراً تفوح منها رائحة الدم".
وختم المصدر قائلاً إن الحويجة بات "سجنًا مقفلاً، ومن يريد الخلاص عليه أن يمتلك مبلغاً كبيرًا من المال ويذهب في رحلة طويلة ليصل الى كركوك أو أي محافظة آمنة أخرى".
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Press reports said that organizing Iraqi "terrorist" does daash feminized body promotion of virtue and prevention of Vice, the women's police has been introduced under the name of "faction" the biting they observer infractions "legitimacy" by women, some of them brutally.Elaf-: news sites reported Iraqi and Arab News the founding organization feminist faction daash his penalty (snapping) against women who didn't dress and the strict teachings of eating and drinking.And began organizing "daash recently" women's patrols, known as "the biting, to spend Iraqi Mission of hawijah punish women and girls who do not adhere to" Islamic dress "imposed by the Organization in the areas of control."Faisal monitors the biting" of "Islamic police" to "help", "daash denounce" "biter" women and "irregularity" bitten her several parts of her body painfully make victim cry pain, "Sabah" site moved from a judicial source from Kirkuk, but cannot validate those news due to embargoes imposed by regulation on journalists in areas held by them.The same source said that the "punitive action" applied by women daashiat in several areas controlled by the organization.Relevant source revealed that this Act raised panic among women in Hawija dominated organization since about year, likening the "biter" the dog "frenzied".The regulation also imposes other penalties on women and girls of Hawija, as every woman's skin graduated without a Mahram, whether young or old woman.They also impose "daash" inhabitants of Hawija, strict laws, such as the identification of acceptable dress for men in Afghan garb and forcing the population to engage in occupations prescribed by regulation, in addition to smoking prevention and practice football game among the youth.In the event of a contravention of these regulations, a person, whether man or woman, to "skin".The judicial source revealed that information from inside hawijah that judicial institutions abused by "elements" and her buildings daash "okara smells blood."Seal the source saying that Baghdad was "prison closed, wants redemption must possess a large amount of money and go on a long trip to Kirkuk or any other safe province."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
He said an Iraqi press reports that the organization "Daash" The terrorist is the feminization of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, belong to him, have women's police introduced under the name of "faction Aledadat" Arsdn irregularities "legitimacy" carried out by women, and Iqmn some of them brutally.
Elaph - Follow-up: picked up news sites Iraqi and Arab news of the founding of the organization Daash faction feminist mission to shed penalty (biting) against women flouting strict teachings in dress and eating and drinking.
and began organizing "Daash" recent conduct of Women patrols, known as "Aledadat", in Hawijah spend Iraqi mission punish women and girls who did not follow the "legitimate Dress" imposed by regulation in the control areas.
Monitors "Faisal Aledadat" of the "Islamic police" irregularities to the instructions of "Daash", for "denounce" Beyond "biter" on the violation of women and "Tedha" from several parts of her body painfully make the victim crying hurts, as the transfer site "morning," a judicial source from Kirkuk, but can not verify the authenticity of the news because of the ban imposed by the regulation on journalists in areas controlled by.
The same source said that This "punitive action" applied by women Daashaat in several areas controlled by the organization.
He revealed the same source that this act triggered panic among Hawija women-dominated organization around the year since, likening function "biter" what he was doing "mad dog".
It also imposes regulation other sanctions on women and girls Hawija, such as flogging each woman go out without a male, whether a young girl or an elderly woman.
also imposed "Daash" on the population of Hawija strict laws, such as determining the acceptable dress for men Afghan attire and forcing the population to engage in occupations imposed by the organization, as well to prevent smoking and exercise football game among young people.
In case of violation of these instructions, exposed person, whether man or woman, to the death "skin".
He revealed the judicial source, who hit his information from inside Hawija that judicial institutions is invaded by elements of the "Daash" and become Amaratha "Okara smells of the smell of blood."
He concluded by saying that the source of Hawija is "locked in prison, and those who want salvation that it has a substantial amount of money and go on a long journey to reach Kirkuk or any other province safe."
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Iraqi media reports, said that the organization Dash "terrorist" is the feminization of the goodness preaching authority, and has introduced a women's police under the name "Aldadat faction Yrsdn" irregularities "legitimacy" of women, andIn cold blood.
com - up, picked up the news sites, Iraqi and Arab News founded the organization Dash feminist faction of his death (shedding) against the biting female Ykhalfn his teachings. In dress, eating and drinking. "The organization Dash "patrols" recently, women's, known as "Aldadat", in the District of hawijah, tasked to punish women and girls who doesn't wear dress as "legitimate" imposed by the organization in the areas of control. "The "Aldadat Faisal police" of the "Islamic" irregularities "Dash instructions", "reverse" beyond "to women in conflict Aldadt and bite down on this," of several parts of her body are painful, make the victim cries, as Wjaan moved site "morning" from the source.In Kirkuk, but can not verify the authenticity of the news because of the ban imposed by journalists in areas controlled by the organization.
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