
المصري".. اللاعب حين يصنع الفارق!حس

المصري".. اللاعب حين يصنع الفارق!

حسّان الأخرس
الجمعة 09 تشرين الأول 2009

بدأ الاحتراف منذ كان في فئة الشباب مع نادي "مصفاة بانياس" لينتقل بعدها إلى "النجمة اللبناني" ثم "الرمثا الإماراتي" الذي تركه عند صعود نادي "النواعير" إلى الدوري الممتاز عام 2005 م.
تكبير الصورة

"حمدي المصري" هو ابن نادي النواعير وواحد من نجومه الذين رسموا الفرحة على وجوه الجماهير في الموسم الماضي حيث فرض نفسه أساسياً ولاعبا مهماً على الطرف الأيسر في الملعب فكان لحضوره وقع في جميع مباريات الدوري كلاعب مدافع وظهير أيسر ومسجل للأهداف في مرّات، وصانعها مرات أخرى.

موقع مدونة وطن eSyria زار الحصّة التدريبية لنادي النواعير بتاريخ 3 تشرين الأول 2009 والتقى اللاعب "حمدي المصري" وكان لنا معه الحوار التالي:

* أربع سنوات قضيتها مع فريق النواعير، إلا أن نجمك لم يلمع إلا في الموسم الماضي، ما السبب؟

** في السابق وقع النادي بأخطاء كثيرة خاصة في الموسم الأول الذي هبط فيه النواعير إلى الدرجة الثانية، وذلك لاستبداله عدداً من المدربين، مما أثر سلباً على الفريق وعلى مدى انسجامي مع بقية اللاعبين، وتغيير المركز الذي ألعب به أحياناً (ستوبر –
تكبير الصورة
اللاعب "حمدي المصري"
لاعب ارتكاز)، أما في الموسم الماضي فالاستقرار التدريبي الذي أمنّته الإدارة مع المدرب القدير "عبد الإله عبد الحميد" وثباتي في مركز الظهير الأيسر في أصعب الخطط التي تعب المدرب لإضافتها إلى الفريق 4-4-2 والتي تحتاج إلى لاعبين مميزين وخاصة على أطراف الملعب، وقد نجحت في شغل الطرف الأيسر وصبغت هذا المركز بأسلوبي موازناً بين الدفاع والهجوم فعايشت مقولة «لكل مجتهد نصيب» حيث لم أتوقف عن التمرين بعد انتهاء الدوري بل خضعت لدورة لياقة بدنية بإشراف المدرب "محمد بدرة" لأن مركزي في الملعب يحتاج إلى اللياقة العالية إضافة إلى المرونة في الانطلاقات المفاجئة والسريعة من الخلف.

* وردت أنباء في الصحف عن انتقالك لنادي الكرامة، ما صحّة ذلك؟

** بعد قرار الاتحاد الرياضي بشطب نادي النواعير وتحرير كشوف اللاعبين تلقيت عروضاً كثيرة من عدة أندية منها "الكرامة – أمية –
تكبير الصورة
مع نادي النواعير
الطليعة – الوحدة – الوحدات الأردني – الجزيرة الأردني" وكان الأنسب منها لي هو عرض نادي "الكرامة" بسبب مشاركاته الخارجية وكان العقد يسير في طريقه الصحيح إلا أن عودة نادي "النواعير" من خلال الدورة الرباعية جعلت العقد مع الكرامة باطلاً بسبب ارتباط عقدي مع نادي النواعير فبدأ الكرامة بطلبي بشكل رسمي من النواعير إلا أن الناديان لم يتوصلا إلى اتفاق بشأن انتقالي.

* وماذا عن تواجدك مع منتخب سورية؟

** في الفترة الأخيرة دعيت إلى معسكر "كندا" إلا أنني كنت في إجازة في جمهورية "مصر" العربية، فتقدمت باعتذاري عبر النادي، وكنت قد دعيت إلى المنتخب في عدة معسكرات وكنت أجتازها بنجاح حسب رأي المدرب "فجر إبراهيم" لكنني لم آخذ حقي كاملاً للعب في المباريات الرسمية وأنا جاهز لتلبية المنتخب في أي وقت، وحلمي اللعب أساسياً في المنتخب وتحقيق إنجازات معه.
تكبير الصورة
في الحصّة التدريبية

* بدأ النواعير التمرين بدون أي تعاقدات ما هو رأيك بالفريق كما هو؟

** في الأفق تعاقدات لم يتم الإفصاح عنها لسدّ بعض الثغرات التي تركتها هجرة بعض اللاعبين الأساسيين والفريق الآن هو جزء من فريق العام الماضي وهم عناصر جيدون ومنسجمون وباستطاعتنا تحقيق النتائج المرجوة ورسم البسمة على وجوه جماهير نادي النواعير الوفية

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
".. When the player makes the difference!Hassan Al-AkhrasFriday 09 October 2009He started professional since he was young with "Banias" refinery turns to "Star" and "ramtha" left at "Club La Noria" ascent to the Premier League in 2005.Enlarge the image"Hamdi Al-Masri" is the son of la Noria Club and one of the stars who drew the joy on the faces of the fans last season where key players and imposed itself on the left side on the pitch, his presence had occurred in all League matches as a defender and Acer and recorded in the times, its maker again.Blog site eSyria visited homeland Club La Noria training session on 3 October 2009, met with the player, "Hamdi Al-Masri" had us with the following dialog:* Four years spent with the group La Noria, but your not shining but last season, why?** Previously signed the Club's many errors, especially in the first season, which dropped to the second division, waterwheels to replace a number of trainers, adversely affecting the Group and over the harmonious with the rest of the players, and change the status to play it sometimes (stobr –Enlarge the imageThe player "Hamdy"Player Fulcrum), either last season, stability training made with coach Qadeer Abdul Elah Abdel Hamid "my jumps right back in the most difficult plans that tired coach to add to Panel 4-4-2 and needing a good players, especially on the edge of the pitch, they have succeeded in filling the left end and characterized by stylistic balancing between defence and attack, stayed with saying" per diligent share» where did not stop the exercise after the end of the League but underwent a fitness course under the supervision of trainer Mohammed Pedra "because Central Stadium needs a high fitness add flexibility in sudden and rapid advances.* There were reports in the press about the move to Al-Karamah, what health?* After the decision of the Sports Union off Club La Noria and edit payroll players receive many offers several clubs, including "dignity-illiterate –Enlarge the imageClub La NoriaVanguard-unit – the Jordanian units – the island "was appropriate including me is showing" dignity "because of competing foreign contract was moving in the right way but the return of Club" La Noria "through the Quartet session made contract with dignity and void because my contract with Al Karama started waterwheels requests formal waterwheels but the clubs failed to agree on a transition.* What about your time with Syrian national team?** Recently invited to camp "Canada" but I was on vacation in the Arabic Republic of Egypt "", made the apology through the Club, you have been called to the national team in several camps and you all successfully according to trainer dawn Abraham "but I didn't take my full play in official matches and I'm ready to meet at any time, the team and my dream playing an essential role in the national team and achievements.Enlarge the imageIn the training session* Waterwheels began rehearsing with no contracts what do you think of the team as it is?* Horizon contracts are not disclosed to fill some of the gaps left by the emigration of some key players and the team is now part of the team last year and they are very good and highly homogenous elements we can achieve the desired results and draw a smile on the faces of fans loyal waterwheels
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Egyptian ".. player while makes the difference! Hassan al - Akhras Friday October 200 909 began a professional since he was in the youth category with the club , " Banias Refinery , "before moving to the " Lebanese actress " and then" Ramtha the UAE , "he left behind when the rise of the " Noria "club to Premier League in 2005. enlarge image "Hamdi Al-Masri" is the son of Noria Club and one of its stars who drew the joy on the faces of the fans last season , where he established himself as an integral and important player on the left end on the pitch was to attend occurred in all league matches as a defender and left back and registered targets in times, and its maker other times. blog site homeland eSyria visited a training session for the club waterwheels on 3 October 2009 and met with the player , "Hamdi Al-Masri" had us with him the following dialogue: * four years I spent with the team waterwheels, but your star does not shine only in last season, what is the reason? ** previously the club signed many special errors in the first season , which waterwheels dropped it to the second division, to replace a number of trainers, which has a negative effect on the team over the sympathetic with the rest of the players, and change the center , which was playing its sometimes (Stopper - enlarge the player , "Hamdi Al-Masri" player fulcrum), while in the last season coaching stability is that you secure your administration with the Almighty coach , "Abdul Ilah Abdul - Hamid" and my stability at left - back in the toughest plans tiring coach to add to the team 4-4- 2 and that need to be skilful players, especially on the outskirts of the stadium, has succeeded in filling the left end and dyed this center my style counterweight between the defense and attack Faeshet saying «every hard - working share» where I did not stop the exercise after the league finishes , but underwent a cycle of fitness under the supervision of the coach , "Mohamed Badra "because the central location in the stadium needs a high fitness in addition to the flexibility in the sudden and rapid back of releases. * There were reports in the press about your move to the club of dignity, the health of it? ** after Sports Federation 's decision to write off Noria Club and edit lists of players have received many offers from several clubs such as "dignity - illiteracy - enlarge with waterwheels Club vanguard - Unit - Jordanian units - Jordanian Al Jazeera" was the most appropriate ones for me is to show "dignity" club due to external appearances and the contract is moving in the right way , however , the return of "Noria" club through Quartet session made ​​the contract with the dignity void because my contract link with waterwheels Club began dignity my request officially from waterwheels , but the two clubs could not reach an agreement on the transition. Q : What about your presence with the team Syria? ** recently invited to the camp , "Canada" only I was on vacation in the Arab Republic of "Egypt," Vtkdmt Batmara through the club, and I had been invited to the national team in several camps and you Ojtazha successfully in the opinion of the coach , " the dawn of Abraham , " but I did not take the full my right to play in official matches , and I'm ready to meet the team at any time and my dream to play a key in the team and achievements with him. enlarge the training session * waterwheels began to exercise without any contracts what is your opinion about the team as it is? ** on the horizon contracts have not been disclosed to fill some of the gaps left by the migration of some of the key players and the team is now part of last year 's team and they are good elements in harmony and we can achieve the desired results and put a smile on the faces of the fans waterwheels loyal Club

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