أ‌. بناء على طلب شركة نفط الكويت تدعو لجنة المناقصات المركزية إلى تقدي翻訳 - أ‌. بناء على طلب شركة نفط الكويت تدعو لجنة المناقصات المركزية إلى تقدي英語言う方法

أ‌. بناء على طلب شركة نفط الكويت تد

أ‌. بناء على طلب شركة نفط الكويت تدعو لجنة المناقصات المركزية إلى تقديم عطاءات لتوريد المواد المذكورة أعلاه
تسليم مخازن الشركة في الأحمدي وفقا للمواصفات والشروط المرفقة التي يجب الحصول على نسختين منها من
لجنة المناقصات المركزية خلال ساعات الدوام الرسمي.
ب‌. يجب أن تقدم العطاءات من نسختين وتودع في صندوق المناقصات العامة الكائن في مقر لجنة المناقصات المركزية
في موعد أقصاه الواحدة بعد ظهر اليوم المعلن عنه في جريدة الكويت اليوم.
ت . لا يسمح بتقديم عروض بديلة لهذه المناقصة .
ث . العطاءات لهذه المناقصة قابلة للتجزئة كما هو مبين في مستندات المناقصة.
ج . هذه المناقصة مقتصرة على الشركات المصنعة المعتمدة المدرجة أسمائها في وثائق المناقصة.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
N. At the request of the Kuwait oil company for the Central tenders Committee to bid for the supply of the above articles Delivery company stores in Al Ahmadi in accordance with the specifications and conditions attached which you should get two copies of Central tenders Committee during office hours. B. Tenders must be submitted in duplicate and shall be deposited in the tender box at the General Headquarters of the Central tenders Committee Later one afternoon declared in Kuwait today.T. Does not allow for alternative presentations of this auction.W. Bidding for this auction are indivisible as indicated in the tender documents.C. This auction is limited to approved manufacturers included in the tender documents.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
A. At the request of the Kuwait Oil Company calls to the Central Tenders Committee to submit bids for the supply of the above materials
delivery company stores in Ahmadi and according to specifications and attached conditions that must get two copies of them from
the Central Tenders Committee during working hours.
B. Tenders must be submitted in duplicate and shall be deposited in the General Fund Tenders object in the Central Tenders Committee headquarters
at a date later than the one after the advertised afternoon newspaper in Kuwait today.
t. Not allowed to submit alternative bids for this tender.
w. Bidding for this tender are indivisible, as shown in the tender documents.
C. This tender is limited to approved manufacturers listed in the tender documents.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
A. At the request of the Kuwait oil company invites the central tenders committee to submit tenders for the supply of the items listed above
delivery company stores in Al Ahmadi, in accordance with the specifications and conditions attached. You should obtain two copies of
Central tenders Committee during the office hours.
B. Bidders must provide copies of filed in the public bidding, located at the headquarters of the central tenders Committee
By one's afternoon newspaper published in Kuwait today.
t. This auction is not allowed to provide alternative presentations.
w. Bids for the auction to be interdependent as indicated in the bidding documents.
J.Auction limited to the approved manufacturers listed their names in the tender documents. "
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