معلومه غاية في الاهمية وناجحة 100% للجلطه الدماغيةثانيا / استعمال ابرة翻訳 - معلومه غاية في الاهمية وناجحة 100% للجلطه الدماغيةثانيا / استعمال ابرة英語言う方法

معلومه غاية في الاهمية وناجحة 100%

معلومه غاية في الاهمية وناجحة 100% للجلطه الدماغيةثانيا / استعمال ابرة جهاز فحص السكر أمر مثالي ، ولكن في حال عدم توفرها، من الممكن أن تستخدموا إبرة خياطة ولتعقيم هذه الإبرة، عرّضوها للحرارة إما على شمعة وإما على ولاعة.
يجب بعدها أن تقوموا بوخز رؤوس الأصابع العشرة بهذه الإبرة المعقمة ( لاتنسوا وخز اصابع اليد العشرة ) هذا الوخز يجب أن يتم على بعد بضعة ملليمترات من الاظافر لكي يسيل الدم قطرات
إذا لم يسل الدم نقطة نقطة، اضغطوا بلطف ليستطيع أن يسيل ببطء ويسمح للدم في الداخل بأن يتحرك. وإذا لاحظتم تشوهاً في شكل فم الضحية، قوموا بتدليك الأذنين حتى يبلغهما الدم.
ينصح أيضاً بوخز شحمة الأذن بهذه الإبرة حتى تشاهدوا سيلان قطرتين من الدم.
بعدها فوراً، سيستعيد المريض وعيه وسيعود شكل فمه إلى طبيعته.
يجب أن يذهب المريض بعدها إلى المستشفى حتى تستقر حالته.
هذه الطريقة الصينية تنجح بنسبة 100 % في حالة حدوث جلطة دماغية وننصح بقوة باستعمالها حتى ننقذ ضحايا الجلطات من تلف الأعضاء وحتى من الموت المفاجئ.

ندعوا لكم بالصحة والعافية ولاتنسونا من دعائكم



إذا صادف أن واجهتم حالة شخص أصيب بجلطة دماغية، لا تبقوا مكتوفي الأيدي فأنتم تستطيعون إنقاذ حياته.

هذه التقنية التي يقدمها لنا بروفسور صيني، والتي يجب أن يتشاركها كل الناس، ترتكز على وخز إصبع الضحية بإبرة بسيطة كان يكون ابرة جهاز فحص السكر
كلنا معرضون للإصابة بجلطة دماغية مفاجئة قد تكلف الشخص حياته، ولكن حيلة عبقرية وسهلة جداً نقدمها لكم الان تسمح بإنقاذ الحياة من الموت الفجائي.
هذه الحيلة تمثل الخطوة الأولى في الإسعاف الأولي الذي يجب أن تطبقوها على ضحية الجلطة، حتى ولو كنتم لا تملكون أي شهادة في الطب :
أولاً / يجب أن تحافظوا على هدوئكم ولا تفكروا بهز المريض أو تحريكه، خوفاً من تتسببوا له بنزيف دماغي داخلي.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Information is very important and successful 100% of the cerebral second stroke/needle your glucose is perfect, but if not available, it is possible to use sewing needle and sterilize the needle, had presented to heat either a candle or lighter.You must then you prick your fingertip ten of these sterile needle (don't forget tingling fingers ten) that acupuncture should be a few millimeters from nails to shed blood drops If you do not recognize blood point, press gently so that it flows slowly and allow the blood inside that moves. And if you notice distortion in the form of the victim's mouth, gently massage the ears even conveying the blood.It is also advised to prick the ear lobe to the needle even see Ceylon drops of blood.Immediately afterwards, the patient regain consciousness and will form its mouth to its nature.The patient must go to the hospital until his condition stabilized.This way the Chinese succeed by 100% in the case of a stroke and we strongly recommend its use until we save victims of stroke damage organs and even sudden death.We invite you to health and wellness and atnsona of prayers# Participated _ the publication# Osman _ a neighbor If it happens to come across the case of a person who suffered a stroke, do not remain idle, you can save his life.This technology offered by us Professor of Chinese, which must be shared by all people, based on the victim's finger prick by needle needle is simple your glucose We are all vulnerable to a sudden stroke may cost a person his life, but stunt genius and very easy we offer you now allow for saving life from sudden death.This trick represents the first step in first aid which should they close her the victim of a stroke, even if you don't have any degree in medicine:First you must keep your calm and not think about shake or move patient, fearing his cerebral haemorrhage do.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Piece of information is very important and successful 100% of the stroke Damagahthania / use needle sugar screening device is ideal, but if not available, it is possible that you will use sewing needle and sterilize the needle, subjected her to heat either a candle or the lighter.
Must then that you will prick tiptoe Ten of these needle sterilized (Do not forget tingling fingers ten) that acupuncture must be within a few millimeters of nail so that blood dripped drops
if the blood did not YSL point by point, press gently to be able to flow out slowly and allows blood inside that moves. If you have noticed distortion in the form of the victim's mouth, Arise massage the ears even Abulghma blood.
also advised tingling earlobe this needle until you watch runny two drops of blood.
Then immediately, it will regain the patient's consciousness and will return form his mouth to normal.
The patient should go then to the hospital until it snaps his condition.
This Chinese method will work 100% in the case of a stroke and are strongly advised to use even save stroke victims of organ damage and even sudden death. We invite you to health and wellness and the allegations Atnsuna # Hark_almnchor # Osman_jar If it happens to come across the case of a person suffered a stroke, do not you keep idly you are you can save his life. This technology provides us a Chinese professor that, and that must be shared by all the people, based on the pricked finger victim simple needle was being needle sugar scan We are all susceptible to stroke a sudden may cost a person his life, but the genius and very easy trick we offer to you now allow saving the life of sudden death. This trick is the first step in first aid which must Ttbakoha the victim of stroke, even if you do not you possess any certificate in medicine: First / must Thafzawa calm! do not think the patient shake or move it, for fear of internal bleeding Tzbbwa his brain.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"Something very important, successful 100% Lljlth Aldmaghytthanya / use needle sugar testing system is ideal, but if this is not available, it is possible to use this needle, sewing needle Wltqym heat Radwha either a candle or lighter."You must then do tingling fingers headers (don't forget the so sterilized needle prick prick the hand fingers the) this should be just a few millimeters from the the nail to shed the blood drops "If the blood Ysl point by point, and gently squeeze to move so slowly and allows blood to flow inside. If you notice distortion into the victim's mouth, do massage the ears so communicated the blood. "Also advises the acupuncture needle lobes in Ceylon until you've seen two drops of blood. "Then immediately, the patient will regain consciousness and form its mouth to nature." the patient then must go to the hospital until his condition. "This is the way Chinese work rose by 100% in the case of a massive stroke. We strongly advise use to save victims of strokes of the organ damage and even sudden death.

bring you health and wellness, many of the allegations Shark


Thman Jar

if it happens to come across someone he suffered a stroke and did not remain idle, you can save his life.

This technique provided by us, Professor of Chinese, and should share all the people, the simple, was based on the victim's finger prick with a needle. A needle testing device.
We all are susceptible to sudden stroke might cost a person of his life, but the trick now allows the genius and so offer you saved the life of a sudden death. "This trick is the first step in first aid to be Ttbqwha victims of stroke, even if you don't have a degree in medicine. "First of all, we have to stay calm and do not shake the patient or moving it, for fear of Ttsbbwa has an internal bleeding in the brain. "
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