‫#‏الأردن‬ - أكدت السيدة أنوار الطراونة زوجة الشهيد ‫#‏معاذ_الكساسبة‬ 翻訳 - ‫#‏الأردن‬ - أكدت السيدة أنوار الطراونة زوجة الشهيد ‫#‏معاذ_الكساسبة‬ 英語言う方法

‫#‏الأردن‬ - أكدت السيدة أنوار الطر

‫#‏الأردن‬ - أكدت السيدة أنوار الطراونة زوجة الشهيد ‫#‏معاذ_الكساسبة‬ انها فخورة بكونها زوجة لشهيد قدّم حياته لأجل الوطن.

وأضافت الطراونة : " أنا في أول يوم قابلته به قلت له أريد من شخص أن يأخذني إلى الجنة فقال لي أنا جاهز أن آخذك اليها، وقال لي أنا أمشي على مبدأ هو " ومَن يتّقي الله يجعل له مخرجاً ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ".

وأشارت إلى أنه كان يواظب على تذكيرها بأداء الصلاة، حيث كان يتصل بها يومياً على موعد صلاة الفجر ليذكرها بها.

وقالت زوجة الشهيد " آخر إتصال معه كان في 24-12-2014 الساعة الخامسة فجراً، فأيقظني إلى الصلاة وقال لي بأنني صليت ركعتين إستشهاد ودعيت بأن لا يكون في رقبتي دم إي مُسلم ، وقال لي صلي الفجر وارجعي إلى النوم، وبعد أن تنتهي أنا سأخرج إلى الطيران" .
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
# Jordan-Ms. Anwar al-Tarawneh wife Shaheed # forbid _ proud as Rashid, wife of the martyr gave his life for the nation.Tarawneh said: "I am on the first day I met him I told him I want someone to take me to heaven and he said to me I am ready to take you to them, and he told me I walk on it" and fear Allah makes his way out and him as not counted. "It was kept on reminding them of prayer, where the daily date Fajr prayer to mention them.The wife of the martyr "last contact with him was on 24-12-2014 at 5 a.m., he woke me up and told me to pray, I prayed two rak'ahs martyrdom was invited not to be Muslim blood in my neck and told me prays Fajr and back to sleep, and after that I'm going to fly."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

# Jordan - Ms. Anwar Tarawneh wife Martyr confirmed # Maaz_alexasph she is proud to be the wife of a martyr gave his life for the nation. Tarawneh added: "I am on the first day I met him I told him I want someone to take me to heaven he said to me I'm ready to take you to it, and told me I was walking on the principle is "and feared God makes his way out and give him in terms of do not count." She pointed out that he was regularly on to remind them to pray, where he was related daily on the date the dawn prayer for reminding them. The wife of the martyr "The last contact with him was on 12/24/2014 at five in the morning, Voikzna to prayer and told me that I prayed two rak'ahs martyrdom were invited to not be in my neck blood of any Muslim, and said to me, prayed Fajr and Return to sleep, and after I finished I'm going out to fly." .

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Alardn. The wife of the martyr Anwar al tarawneh confirmed Ms. Madh Alksasbt she is proud to be the wife of a martyr gave his life for the country.

she said tarawneh:The first day I met him I told him "I want someone to take me to heaven and he said unto me, I am ready to take you to her, and he told me I was walking on the principle of" who is Ytaqy God makes his way out of Wyrzqh doesn't count. "

It was regularly reminded to pray every day before dawn prayers, was related Lydhkrha.

The wife of the martyr said "another contact with was in 24-12-2014 at fifth in the morning, Fayqzny prayer to me said that I prayed two rak'ahs of martyrdom and was invited to be in my blood, a Muslim pray dawn Warjy, told me to sleep, after finished, ITo fly. "
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