لم تكن الاتحاد وهي الصحيفة الرسمية القوية مختلفة عن مسار التطور الذي ت翻訳 - لم تكن الاتحاد وهي الصحيفة الرسمية القوية مختلفة عن مسار التطور الذي ت英語言う方法

لم تكن الاتحاد وهي الصحيفة الرسمية

لم تكن الاتحاد وهي الصحيفة الرسمية القوية مختلفة عن مسار التطور الذي تمر به الإمارت .. فقد اتضح وبعد مرور أكثر من عقد كامل على قيام الاتحاد بأن هذه الدولة الناشئة التي تقع على أطول شريط من سواحل الخليج تهيئ نفسها لدور تاريخي تكون فيه في مقدمة الدول الناهضة اقتصاديا وثقافيا واجتماعيا، وأن دورا وطنيا وقوميا ودوليا بانتظارها لا محالة .
وفي مرحلة ثالثه انتقلت مسؤولية الصحيفة للدكتور عبد الله النويس الذي كان وكيلا لوزارة الإعلام ففي عام 1984 بدأت الاتحاد حقبه جديده اتسمت بالازدهار والتفوق والتطور التحريري والفني على السواء.فقد تضاعف الكادر . وتضاعف التوزيع . وتضاعفت تبعا لذلك الخدمه الصحفيه أخبارا و تغطيات وإنفرادات دائمه ، ووجد رئيس التحرير الجديد نفسه محاطا بعدد كبير من الصحفيين المحترفين من مدارس صحفيه مختلفه.
ووجد أن حجم الأخبار و الانفرادات اليومية تكفي لصدور صحيفتين الأمر الذي دفعه إلى ابتداع تقليد جديد صدرت على ضوئه الاتحاد بصحيفتين أولى ،الصفحة الأولى (أ) والصفحة الأولى (ب) .. والفرق الوحيد بين الصفحتين أن الصفحة الأولى (أ) تصدر في الواجهة ، وأن الصفحة (ب) تصدر في مكان ا
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
If the Union and the powerful official newspaper is different from the path of development the UAE.. It became clear after more than a decade on the Union that this State arising out of the longest bar of the Gulf Coast, positioning themselves for the historic role which on top of emerging States economically, culturally and socially, and that the role of national and nationally and internationally awaited inevitably.In the third phase, responsibility for the paper by Dr. Abdullah Al nowais was an agent of the Ministry of information in 1984, the Federation began a new era marked by prosperity and excellence and editorial and artistic evolution alike. the staff has doubled. And the multiplication of distribution. And accordingly the press service news and covers and isolations, the new editor, found himself surrounded by a large number of professional journalists from different media schools. It was found that the size of the daily news and the isolations for the two newspapers which prompted him to devise a new tradition on the Union issued two first home (a) and the first page (b).. The only difference between the two pages to the front page (a) issued in the interface, and that the page (b) issued in place of a
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Union were not a strong official newspaper is different from the path of development through which the Emirates .. it became clear after more than a decade on the Union that these emerging state, which lies on the longest strip of the coast of the Gulf positioning themselves to the role of historic be in it at the forefront of emerging nations passage economically, culturally and socially, and nationally, nationally and internationally role waiting inevitably.
In the third phase shifted responsibility for the paper to Dr. Abdullah Al Nowais, who was an agent for the Ministry of Information In 1984, the Union began a new era of prosperity and superiority and sophistication editorial and artistic on Alsoa.vkd doubled staff. Doubled distribution. And multiplied accordingly service press releases news and coverages and Anfradat durable, and found new editor himself surrounded by a large number of professional journalists from various schools release.
It was found that the volume of news and daily Alnfradat enough to release two which led him to invent a new tradition was issued on the basis of which the Union first Bsahaftin The first page (a) The first page (b) .. The only difference between the two pages to the front page (a) issue to the fore, and Page (b) issued in place of
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
It wasn't the official newspaper firm is different from the development course in Dubai.It was found after more than a decade in the fledgling state, which lies on the long strip of the Gulf Coast historical positioning themselves to be in the introduction, emerging countries are economically, culturally, socially, and a national.And the waiting is inevitable.
in the third phase shifted responsibility for paper by Dr. Abdullah alnowais who was the agent of the Ministry of information in 1984 launched the new an era characterized by prosperity, and editorial and technical development staff alike. It has doubled.The distribution. And, accordingly, force, press releases and news coverage of Wanfradat immoral, and found a new editor in chief. Surrounded by a large number of professional journalists from various press schools.
It was found that the size of the news and the daily Alanfradat enough of two. This led him to invent the new tradition to have been the first Bshyftyn, page first (a)), P. first (b).The only difference between the two page to page first (a) issued at the front page, and (b) is produced in place of K
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