Islamic Caliphate State
News - songs - books - Publications - Entries News wrote - letters and articles - Encyclopedias songs versions, pictures and designs of We the total reports of States on Sunday, 25 / Muharram / 1437 e Posted by akhbardawlatalislam on 8 November 2015 Posted In: reports the states. Tagged: the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the Islamic state, an Islamic caliphate. Add comments ♦ In the name of God the Merciful ♦ ~~ ~~ Total # Taqarir_alolayat to Sunday 25 / Muharram / 1437 e ~~ ~~ # Guenah_neshr private publish what they officially issued by the # Dolh_klavh - Arabic --English https: // - French Http:// - German Https:// - Alondnoch language Https:// - Bosnian language https: // - Russian Https:// - Bengali language Https:// - Turkish language Https:// - the Kurdish language https: // telegram. Me / NashirislamicstateKURDI ~~ to support the channel do not copy published material, but follow these steps: Http:// ~~ official channel to # and the Kalh_oamag A photographer from centers A large quantity of cigarettes in the city Visual: message to cadres And injuring dozens of apostates two operations martyrdom operations on the so-called peace Saraya al-/files/justpaste/d257/a10220510/1446993431051.jpg ~~ killed and injured dozens of apostates two operations martyrdom operations on the so-called peace in the city of Saraya al-Sadr in eastern Baghdad, all praise and gratitude be to Allah. ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_aldzerh and a nursery in the city of Tal Afar Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_halb and transfer burners nearby areas New slaughterhouse Muslim region Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_halb and aviation targeted Crusader Alnasiri door raids City 7 Cardamom Muslim region Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # and Aah_halb tour in Jarabulus District Http:// ~~ targeted Aviation Crusader city Alnasiri door 7 air strikes, led to the occurrence of factors wounded Muslims and the destruction of houses and shops in the Muslim ~~ # Dolh_klavh # and Aah_ahmass Tgarirmsour: the side of the Rabat area in Aldoh Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_aljer and photographer report Wheat Mills Http:// ~~ Dolh_klavh # # To Aah_aljer photographer report water tanks manufacturing Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_djlh and the conduct of the battles on the outskirts of Mount Makhoul Https:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_djlh and showering Almertdaan in Mount Makhoul The barrage of cannon shells The banner of Islam in the region Car of the PKK apostates improvised explosive device near Mt. Sanani - accepted by God - ~~ # Dolh_klavh # and Aah_filojh side of the advocacy and mosques in the city center Hawija Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Aah_ninoy and report photographer refine the plant and the formation of stones decorate the facades of houses -allan- Http:// ~~ # Dolh_klavh # Alnscherh_almsaiah sporadic news on Sunday, 25 Muharram 1437 e Http:// ~~ # Amaah_albaan newsletter in Arabic on Sunday, 25 Muharram 1437 AH MP3 - PDF - Docx Https:// # Dolh_klavh ~~ # Amaah_albaan 25 Muharrem 1437 İslam Devleti Türkçe Haber Bülteni newsletter language 25 Mouharram De L'année 1437 newsletter in French MP3 - PDF - Docx Https:// # Dolh_klavh ~~ # Amaah_albaan Сводка Новостей На Русском Воскресенье 25 Мухаррама 1437 Infiltration attempt Kurdish Uahdat to the village ruin moon North # tenderness yesterday evening ~~ # and Kalh_oamag # urgent warplanes launched four raids on the city of # door Brief # Aleppo ~~ # and Kalh_oamag # Der_alzor tunnels for the forces of the Syrian regime exposed fighters of the Islamic state after their initiative in the neighborhood # Rusafa Https:// ~~ # and Kalh_oamag # video of the bombing of warplanes on the city of Brive door # # Aleppo Https:// ~~ # Kalh_oamag and two attacks in A_i_hadian # Baghdad Esfran It killed 25 of Saraya A group of Mujahideen of Somalia to # caliph Ibrahim bin Awad Allah protect him Https:// ~~ full report or ~~ tweets intended for publication copy and post your support of the succession and the referee awarded pay ~~ ~~ person who has missed the previous reports: >> fixed archive and renewed daily _bazn God Taaly_ for: Total # Taqarir_alolayat and And the preparation of sister .. fish in the desert .. fish in the desert @ Samaka_24 ♦♦ ♦♦ I ask you to pray along with the activity of the call center and mosque in the city of Fallujah Posted by akhbardawlatalislam on 8 November 2015 Posted In: State of Fallujah, Photo. Tagged: the state of Fallujah, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the Islamic state, an Islamic caliphate. Add comments Information Office of the State of Fallujah, along with the activity of the call center and mosque in the city of Fallujah, the state of goodness: manufacturing water tanks Posted by akhbardawlatalislam on 8 November 2015 Posted In: the state of goodness, Photo. Tagged: the state of goodness, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the Islamic state, an Islamic caliphate. Add Aviation Crusader city Alnasiri to door Posted by akhbardawlatalislam on 8 November 2015 Posted In: State of Aleppo, Photo. Tagged: City Alp