Some accounts that Anonymous members won access to had their messages and images changed to show the ISIS-Chan anime character. Groups tackling IS propaganda online are starting to use images of the young girl in connection with the group's name and slogans in an attempt to dilute the results people get when they search for information about the group.
The Anonymous action comes after UK Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled a strategy to help tackle the "poison" of extremism. The package of measures included demands that ISPs and net firms do more to remove extremist material and identify who posted it.
It is not clear how much effect the action by Anonymous and others is having on the work IS does to spread its message online. One study released earlier this year estimated that the group and its sympathisers control more than 90,000 Twitter accounts.
"There is definitely utility in shutting down accounts," said JM Berger, an analyst that did the study of IS' use of social media.
"It's not going to eliminate IS's presence online, but it helps limit their ability to accomplish their goals, particularly with respect to spreading its propaganda outside of its core audience," he said.
"It also wastes their time and requires ISIS supporters to spend a lot of bandwidth rebuilding the network instead of recruiting and promoting their views," he added.
Rashad Ali, a senior fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue which works on ways to counter extremism said the approach did have merit.
"The action is both positive and negative," he said.
"Practically speaking, you are getting rid of a whole host of people from the public domain," he said, adding that such a large takedown can undoubtedly have an impact.
"However," he said, "it's not a solution because what we now need to do is not just take down accounts but actually provide new narratives for people.
"This is where we are failing," he said. "We have not had a strong, thought-out counter-argument to IS's message.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
いくつかのアカウントは、匿名のメンバーへのアクセスを獲得した彼らのメッセージとイメージをイシスちゃんアニメ キャラクターを表示に変更します。オンラインは宣伝に取り組むグループは、グループに関する情報を検索するときに人々 が得る結果を希釈する試みでグループの名前やスローガンに関連して少女の画像を使用し始めています。匿名のアクションは、英国首相 David Cameron が過激主義の「毒」の取り組みを支援するための戦略を発表した後に来る。措置のパッケージには、Isp やネット企業が過激主義的な材料を除去し、それを投稿したことより多くを行う要求が含まれています。匿名などによる行動が仕事にあるどのくらいの効果は不明だがオンラインのメッセージを広めるため。今年初めにリリース 1 つの研究は、グループとそのシンパが 90,000 以上の Twitter のアカウントを制御することを推定しました。「間違いなくユーティリティにあるアカウントをシャット ダウンする」JM Berger、IS のソーシャル メディアの利用に関する研究をしたアナリストは言った。「オンライン、IS の存在をなくすことはできませんが、それにより、そのコアの聴衆の外の宣伝の広がり特に、彼らの目標を達成する能力を制限」と彼は言った。「それも自分の時間を無駄とイシス サポーターを募集し、、彼らの意見を促進する代わりにネットワークの再構築の帯域幅の多くを費やすこと必要です、」と彼は付け加えた。ラシャド アリ、カウンター過激な方法で動作する戦略的な対話のための協会の上級研究員は、アプローチがメリットを持っていた氏。"The action is both positive and negative," he said."Practically speaking, you are getting rid of a whole host of people from the public domain," he said, adding that such a large takedown can undoubtedly have an impact."However," he said, "it's not a solution because what we now need to do is not just take down accounts but actually provide new narratives for people."This is where we are failing," he said. "We have not had a strong, thought-out counter-argument to IS's message.