@Real_News_IS: ما أغبى حكومة #الأردن حيث تهدد بقتل أمنا #ساجدة_الريشاوي في حال نحر الطيار المرتد (معاذ) علماً ان القانون الأردني الكافر لا يسمح بالإعدام !!
@Real_News_IS: what is the dumbest Government # Jordan as a safe #ساجدة_الريشاوي threatens to kill if the renegade pilot erosion (MoAD) Note that Jordanian law the infidel does not allow death!!
Real_News_IS: What dumbest # Jordan, where the government threatening to kill # Sagdh_arisawi safer in the event of slaughter pilot apostate (forbid) note that Jordanian law does not allow the infidel to death !!
Real_News_IS: @ what stupid Alardn government threatening to kill mother Sajdt Alryshawy if slaughter the renegade pilot (MZ) note that Jordanian law - no the position of death! !