لندن ـ «القدس العربي»: ارتفعت أمس درجة التوترات البحرية في منطقة الخلي翻訳 - لندن ـ «القدس العربي»: ارتفعت أمس درجة التوترات البحرية في منطقة الخلي英語言う方法

لندن ـ «القدس العربي»: ارتفعت أمس د

لندن ـ «القدس العربي»: ارتفعت أمس درجة التوترات البحرية في منطقة الخليج العربي وخليج عدن، مع تعرض البحرية الإيرانية لسفينة شحن سنغافورية بالقرب من شواطئ دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
وقال مسؤول أمريكي لشبكة «سي إن إن «، إن 5 زوارق إيرانية قامت بإطلاق أعيرة نارية تحذيرية فوق سفينة شحن تحمل علم سنغافوره في الخليج.
وأوضح المسؤول، أن الحادث وقع عندما بدأت القوارب الخمسة، التي يعتقد أنها تتبع البحرية الإيرانية، الإقتراب من سفينة الشحن بالقرب من سواحل دولة الإمارات ولكن في المياه الدولية.
وأكدت الشبكة، أنه لأول مرة يعرض الحادث دولة خليجية أخرى للتوترات البحرية المتصاعدة في المنطقة، مضيفةً أن البنتاغون ما زال يجمع معلومات عن الحادث.
وتابعت الشبكة، أنه عندما أطلقت القوارب الإيرانية النيران، إضطرت السفينة للانعطاف لدخول المياه الإقليمية الإماراتية.
وأضافت «سي.إن.إن» أنه لم يتضح ما إذا كانت الأعيرة قد أصابت السفينة.
ومن جانبها، أرسلت الإمارات العربية المتحدة 3 زوارق خفر سواحل لسفينة الشحن.
وتمكنت قوة خفر السواحل الإماراتية من التصدي لمجموعة السفن الحربية الإيرانية التي أطلقت النار على السفينة التجارية التي تحمل علم سنغافورة في مياه الخليج العربي.
وقالت مصادر خليجية ةن السفينة السنغافورية وصلت بسلام الى ميناء جبل علي في الإمارات بعد تدخل خفر السواحل.
وصرح مسؤول أمريكي بأن سفينة الشحن فرت صوب دولة الإمارات التي أرسلت سفنا لخفر السواحل تمكنت من إبعاد السفن الإيرانية.
وقالت «رويترز» إن ناقلة المنتجات النفطية «الباين اترنيتي» التي ترفع علم سنغافورة، هوجمت وهي في طريقها إلى ميناء الفجيرة الإماراتي، حيث رست في ميناء جبل علي الإماراتي مشيرة إلى أن طاقم السفينة بخير.
وتابعت أن سفينة الشحن توجهت إلى المياه الإقليمية للإمارات إذ وفرت خفر السواحل الإماراتية الحماية لها.
وقال مسؤول أمريكي إن إيران كانت تحاول في ما يبدو اعتراض سفينة تجارية ترفع علم سنغافوره لتسوية نزاع قانوني مشيراً إلى تقارير عن أن السفينة «ألباين اترنيتي» اصطدمت بمنصة نفط مملوكة لإيران في آذار/مارس الماضي.
وقال المسؤول «تزعم إيران أن السفينة مسؤولة قانونا عن دفع تعويضات للمنصة النفطية.» وأضاف أن الحادث وقع في 22 آذار/مارس.
وتزداد حدة التوترات في المنطقة مع إصرار إيران على إرسال سفينة تقول إنها تحمل مساعدات إنسانية إلى اليمن، وإصرار قوات التحالف العربي الذي تقوده السعودية على تفتيشها قبل دخولها اليمن.
ومع تزايد حدة التوترات البحرية في المنطقة، أعلن مسؤول ايراني أمس الخميس أن متمردين من حركة الشباب الاسلامية الصومالية اختطفوا طاقم مركب ايراني للصيد بعد أن تعرض لعطل ميكانيكي قبالة سواحل الصومال.
وقال رئيس المنظمة الإيرانية للصيد البحري حسن صالحي كما نقل عنه الموقع الالكتروني للتلفزيون الرسمي، إن المركب الذي يعود إلى مالك خاص اضطر للرسو في مرفأ صومالي بعد ان تعرض لمشكلات ميكانيكية فيما كان يبحر قبالة سواحل الصومال.
ووقع طاقم المركب المؤلف من 14 شخصا في قبضة مجموعة من حركة الشباب استولت ايضا على المركب، كما اضاف المسؤول الإيراني بدون توضيح زمان ومكان عملية الخطف.
وبحسب الموقع الالكتروني فان المركب الإيراني وقع في قبضة المتمردين صباح أمس الأول الاربعاء في ميناء الدهير الذي تسيطر عليه حركة الشباب في منطقة قلقدود بشمال العاصمة الصومالية مقديشو.
وعلى وقع التوترات الإقليمية يخشى مراقبون من اندلاع نزاع بحري بين سفن حربية إقليمية تجوب بحار المنطقة.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
London «Arab» Jerusalem: tensions rose Wednesday in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden, with the Iranian Navy for a Singapore cargo ship near the shores of the U.A.E. State.A us official told the CNN network ", that 5 Iranian craft fired warning shots above the Singapore-flagged cargo ship in the Gulf.The official said that the accident occurred when the five boats, which are believed to follow the Iranian Navy, approaching the cargo ship near the coast of the UAE, but in international waters.Network, confirmed that for the first time presents another Gulf State incident to marine mounting tensions in the region, adding that the Pentagon continues to collect information on the incident.The network said that when Iranian boats fire forced the ship to turn to enter the UAE's territorial waters.The «CNN» it is not clear whether the bullets had hit the ship. For its part, the U.A.E. sent 3 coast guard boats to cargo ship. And the UAE coast guard force was able to tackle a Iranian warships fired on the merchant vessel flying the flag of Singapore in the Arabian Gulf. Gulf sources said the Singapore vessel arrived here safely to Jebel Ali in the UAE after the intervention of the coast guard. A us official said that the cargo ship escaped towards the UAE sent warships to the coast guard managed to deport Iranian ships.Said «Reuters» oil products tanker «Alpine atrniti» Singapore flag, was attacked on its way to the UAE port of Fujairah, where it docked at Jebel Ali, UAE, pointing out that the crew was fine.The cargo ship headed to the UAE's territorial waters as Emirati Coast Guard provided protection.The u.s. official said Iran was trying to appear to intercept a merchant ship flying the flag of Singapore to resolve a legal dispute, referring to reports that the ship «Alpine atrniti» crashed into an oil platform owned by Iran in March.He said "Iran claims that the ship is liable for damages to the oil platform», said the accident occurred on 22 March.Growing tensions in the region, with Iran insisting on sending the ship says it is carrying humanitarian aid to Yemen, and the insistence of the us-led coalition forces to inspect before entering Yemen.With the increasing tensions in the region, an Iranian official said Thursday that rebels from the Islamic youth movement in Somalia kidnapped an Iranian fishing boat crew after a mechanical failure off the coast of Somalia.He said the head of Iran's fisheries Hassan Salehi as quoted by State television's website, that which belongs to a private owner is forced to dock at Somali port after mechanical problems while sailing off the coast of Somalia.And the composite crew of 14 people in the grip of a group of Al-Shabaab, also seized the boat, the Iranian official said without clarifying the time and place of the kidnapping.According to the website the Iranian compound was in the grip of rebels on Wednesday morning in the port of aldaher-controlled klkodod area in northern Mogadishu.And on the impact of regional tensions feared observers from naval conflict between regional warships cruising the seas of the region.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
London «Quds Al-Arabi»: yesterday rose degree naval tensions in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden region, with the Iranian navy suffered a cargo ship Singaporean near the shores of the United Arab Emirates.
A US official said the network «CNN«, said that five Iranian boats fired warning shots over flying the flag of Singapore in the Gulf cargo ship.
The official, that the incident occurred when the five boats began, which is believed to follow the Iranian navy, approaching the cargo ship near the coast of the UAE, but in international waters.
confirmed the network, it is for the first time the incident shows the other Gulf state maritime tensions escalating in the region, adding that the Pentagon is still collecting information about the incident.
She network, that when the Iranian boats opened fire, the ship had to turn to enter the territorial waters of the UAE.
She «CNN» it was not clear whether the bullets had hit the ship.
For its part, the United Arab Emirates sent three boats Coast Guard vessel shipping.
and was able to force the Coast UAE coast of addressing a group of Iranian warships fired on the merchant vessel bearing the Singapore flag in the Arabian Gulf.
Sources Gulf are Singaporean ship arrived safely to the port of Jebel Ali in the UAE after the intervention of the Coast Guard.
A US official said the cargo ship fled towards the UAE, which sent ships to the Coast Guard was able to tip the Iranian ships.
«Reuters» said the tanker petroleum products «Alpine Eternity» flying the flag of Singapore, was attacked on its way to the port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, where docked in the port of Jebel Ali UAE pointing out that the crew was fine.
She said the cargo ship headed to the territorial waters of the UAE as it provided the Coast UAE coast protection to them.
A US official said Iran was trying in what appears to intercept a merchant ship flying the flag of Singapore to settle a legal dispute, referring to reports that the ship «Alpine Eternity» collided platform oil owned by Iran in March / March last.
The official said «Iran claims that the ship legally responsible for payment of compensation for oil platform. »He added that the incident took place on March 22 / March
and increased tensions in the region, with Iran's insistence on sending a ship says it is carrying humanitarian aid to Yemen, and the insistence of the Arab-led coalition Arabia inspected before they enter Yemen forces.
And with the rise of marine tensions in the region , on Thursday, an Iranian official announced that the rebels of al-Shabab Islamist Somali abducted for hunting an Iranian boat crew after it suffered a mechanical failure off the coast of Somalia.
The head of the Iranian Organization for fishing Hassan Salehi as quoted by the website state television, said that the boat, which dates back to a private owner was forced to dock in Somali port after suffering mechanical problems while sailing off the coast of Somalia.
signed a composite crew consisting of 14 people in the grip of a group of youth movement also captured the compound, as the Iranian official added without clarifying when and where the kidnapping.
According to the website, the Iranian boat took place in the rebel grip first on Wednesday morning in Aldher port which is controlled by the youth movement in the north of the Somali capital Mogadishu Qkaddod area.
and on the impact of regional tensions Observers fear the outbreak of a maritime dispute between the regional warships patrolling the region's seas.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
London - "Jerusalem": the rose yesterday, the degree of Arab Maritime tensions in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden, with the Iranian navy Singapore cargo vessel at the shores of the United Arab Emirates.
A U.S. official said the network "CNN", the 5 Iranian patrol boats fired warning shots over the cargo ship flying the flag of Singapore in the Gulf.
The official indicated that the incident took place when the boat started the new, believed to have followed the Iranian navy, converges on the cargo ship off the coast of the UAE but in international waters. "She stressed, that for the first time, the system displays the event state of the Gulf marine escalating tensions in the region, adding that the Pentagon continues to collect information about the incident. "The web, when the Iranian boats fired on, the ship was Llantaf to enter thee waters. "She added. The" C ". It is not known whether bullets hit the ship.
For its part, the United Arab Emirates sent 3 boats and coast guard ship for loading.
UAE coast guard force has been able to address the full range of Iranian warships opened fire on the merchant ship flying the flag of Singapore in the waters of the Arabian Gulf.
Sources said the Gulf Tn Singapore ship arrived safely to the port of Jebel Ali in the UAE after intervention by the coast guard.
A U.S. official said that the cargo ship fled towards the UAE sent patrol ships managed to expel Iranian ships. "The « Reuters » the tanker oil products as "eternity", flying the flag of Singapore, was attacked on its way to the port of Fujairah, UAE, where he docked in the port of Jebel Ali, UAE, noting that the crew of the fine. "She said the cargo ship headed for the waters to the UAE, with UAE coast guard provided protection. "A US official said that Iran was apparently trying to intercept the merchant vessels flying the flag of Singapore. Settlement of a legal dispute, noting reports that the ship "Alpine eternity" hit the oil platform owned by Iran in March / March.
The official said, "Iran claims that the ship was legally responsible for paying compensation for oil." the incident took place in March 22 / March.
The tensions in the region with Iran's determination to send a ship she was carrying humanitarian aid to Yemen, and coalition forces led by the Arab Saudi Arabia to inspect prior to coming to Yemen. "With the increasing maritime tensions in the region, said the Iranian official yesterday said that the rebels of the Islamic Youth Movement Somali kidnapped an Iranian fishing boat crew after being mechanical failure off the coast of Somalia. "The head of the organization's marine fishing Hassan Salehi, as quoted by the website's official television, the boat's owner had to anchor in the harbour of Somali after he suffered mechanical problems while sailing off the coast.
the boat's crew consists of 14 people in the grip of a youth movement also took over the vessel, as the Iranian official added, without elaborating on the time and place of the. Kidnapping. "According to the website of the Iranian boat fell into rebel hands yesterday morning first live in Aldhyr port controlled by the young people in the region of galguduud region, in the north of the Somali capital Mogadishu. "On the impact of regional tensions feared observers of the naval conflict between regional warships cruising the seas.
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