2. Walt a purse banks to obtain cash deposit 100% instead of 50% , and according to the book
Circular No. 86 , dated June 28, 2010 and subsequent books periodic, on credits
documentary that opens to finance Este a reply goods to calculate the commercial companies or for the account actors
government as well as in the case of strengthening the bills submitted to the power of suppliers facilities Este a response of such goods
to the expense of those bodies, or to interview any Walt of crises on the bank, including the issuance of letters of guarantee
regarding the absorptive of operations responded to the expense of merchants and government agencies. So that the exception is limited
- contained the book Circular No. 124 dated September 30, 2010 and subsequent books to him recently on
May 13, 2015 - the Este processes of restoration of all of the drugs and vaccines , chemicals , own
, and baby milk only from the cash insurance referred to.