to his Excellency the Minister for foreign affairs of the Republic of Iraq. After the peace of God you
, ask you to look at this Tzlmy against Iraq Sfyrjmhwryt. In Japan "Japanese Anamwatnt worked for more than 11 Sntwqdmt's req enforce ceasefire and send the Iraqi people dear, I lived through two Kbyrn aid and their satisfaction.That the current ambassador, the first Japanese friend at work he did is sexual harassment against Wmatb from changing desktop to another place to a friend in work, the thing that negatively impact on my life, where they are suffering from psychological problems JsymtlaMy friend or I complained to the police, the Japanese
I give you my complaint, Mr. Minister, if I heard from a friend of mine. Another driver in the long been unjustly expelled from this Ambassador Hector please you, Mr. Minister, consider our case and modify (because God loves you injusticeGood