اعتقد انها مؤامرة اكبر من العراق ،فقد استغل السنه في العراق لتنفيذ هده翻訳 - اعتقد انها مؤامرة اكبر من العراق ،فقد استغل السنه في العراق لتنفيذ هده英語言う方法

اعتقد انها مؤامرة اكبر من العراق ،ف

اعتقد انها مؤامرة اكبر من العراق ،فقد استغل السنه في العراق لتنفيذ هده المؤامرة لانهم شعرو بالضلم من حكومة تقودها الشيعة ،فقد استغل الاستخبارات العالمية هده الفرصه لتقسيم المنطقه العربيه الى دويلات يسهل التحكم بها،والمخطط يشمل العراق وسوريا والسعودية وليبيا ويمن وربما دول اخرى ،لكن المهم ان ندرك ان هدا التنظيم لم يكن وليد صدفه بل هو مخ
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I think it's a plot bigger than Iraq, has used his year in Iraq to implement this conspiracy they princezz baldalm of Shia-led Government has used the global intelligence this opportunity to divide the region into Arabic States facilitates control, include Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen and perhaps other States, but it is important to realize that this regulation was not by accident but didn Walid
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I think it's a conspiracy bigger than Iraq, he took advantage of the Sunnis in Iraq to implement this topic conspiracy because they Haro Baldilm from the Government of the Shiite-led, it has used the global intelligence this topic opportunity to divide the Arab region into small easily controlled, and planned include Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen and perhaps other countries, but It is important to realize that Hedda organization was not fluke it is a brain
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I think it's a plot than in Iraq, taking advantage of the year to Iraq to carry out this plot because Shiru Baldlm Shiite led government, it exploits the global intelligence a the chance to divide the Arab region into small, easily controlledIn Iraq, Syria, Arabia, Libya, perhaps other countries, but it is important to realize that this was not a product of management. It is the brain. "
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