التصدیق AU-201 unit hardware is اختیاري. Is التسویق والترخیص to manage the use of this product in full on an "as is".We do not accept any مسؤولیه for any damage (including loss of profits or other damages related) that یسببھا this product or use نتیجهللتشغیل is not contained in the user guide وصفھ this generates.تصنیع وتخصیص is the design, this product for the purposes of تجاریه. Not تستخدمھ on التطبیقات requiring موثوقیه high, which may لھا التاثیر is الشدیدTo life and property.التطبیقات requiring high موثوقیه: الكیمیائیه plant management, equipment management, medical management of emergency communications, etc.Use with اجھزه other تصدیق not guaranteed.To include تحسینات in the product, if the product specifications display للتغییر without notice.IC card is not stored within 40 mm of the reading area.