The Islamic Caliphate StateNews – songs – books – editions – articles News Books-letters & articles-encyclopedias Songs Releases, photos and designs Who we areTotal reports of States on Sunday 25 December 1437 ePosted by akhbardawlatalislam on November 8th, 2015Posted in: reports. Tagged: the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, Islamic State, Islamic Caliphate State. Add a comment♦ In the name of God the merciful ♦~~~~Total #تقارير_الولاياتFor Sunday25 December 1437 e~~~~#قناة_ناشرEspecially with the publication of its official #دولة_الخلافة-Arabic– French– German language language language language– Bengali language – Kurdish language support of the channel do not copy articles published, but follow these steps: official channel for #وكالة_أعماق on tilgharamدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الأنبار#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الأنبارIllustrated report of one of the medical centersدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_برقة#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةDestroy a large quantity of cigarettes in the city # Benghaziدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_برقة#إصدارات_الخلافةThe Visual version:Letter to healthcare professionalsدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_بغدادThe loss of dozens of Renegades two martyrdom on the so-called peace brigades/files/justpaste/d257/a10220510/1446993431051.jpg~~The loss of dozens of Renegades two martyrdom on the so-called peace brigades in the city (Al-Sadr) Baghdad, thanks be to God.~~#دولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الجزيرةA nursery in the city of Tal Afarدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حلبMove the burner near residential areasدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حلب#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةThe opening of a new abattoir in Muslim regionدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حلبTargeting the Crusader aviation nasiri City section b 7 air raidsدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حلب#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةCardamom in a Muslim region marketدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حلبJarabulus district tour the Crusader aviation nasiri City section b 7 airstrikes, resulting in injuries of Muslim agents and destruction of homes and shops of Muslim~~#دولة_الخلافة#ولاية_حمصTkrirmsor:Side of the Rabat region Symposiumدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الخيرIllustrated reportWheat Millsدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الخيرIllustrated reportThe manufacture of water tanksدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_دجلةThe course of the fighting on the outskirts of Jabal Makhulدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_دجلةThe wearing rain in Jabal Makhul riddled with cannon shells at the 37دولة_الخلافة#ولاية_دمشق#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةComment the unification flag in Laja area./files/justpaste/d257/a10220510/1446988790741.jpg~~#دولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الرقةTarget car for the PKK Renegades bomb near mount Abdulazizدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_صنعاء#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةQusai Al-san'aani – acceptable to God –~~#دولة_الخلافة#ولاية_الفلوجةBy call center activity, mosques in Fallujahدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_كركوك#صور_من_أرض_الخلافةCity of Hawijaدولة_الخلافة#ولاية_نينوىIllustrated reportLab sharpening and shaping stones decorate the facades of houses-solutions.دولة_الخلافة#النشرة_المسائية miscellaneous newsSunday 25 Muharram 1437 eإذاعة_البيانArabic-language newsletterSunday 25 Muharram 1437 eMP3 – PDF – Docxدولة_الخلافة~~#إذاعة_البيان25 Muharrem 1437 İslam Devleti Türkçe Haber BülteniNewsletter in Turkishدولة_الخلافة~~#إذاعة_البيانDimanche 25 Mouharram De L'année 1437Newsletter in FrenchMP3 – PDF – Docxدولة_الخلافة~~#إذاعة_البيانСводка Новостей На Русском Воскресенье 25 Мухаррама 1437 ГAlnshrhalakhbarihballghahalrosetدولة_الخلافة~~#وكالة_أعماقLlwahadat infiltration attempt foiled Kurdish village ruins North of satellite # tenderness yesterday evening~~#وكالة_أعماقUrgent warplanes mount # 4 raids on City # section # countryside milking~~#وكالة_أعماق#دير_الزور spending for the Syrian regime exposed the Islamic State after their fighters in the Rusafa district #وكالة_أعماق# Video of bombing the town of warplanes # section # countryside milkingوكالة_أعماقMartyrdom attacks in Baghdad killed result in # 25 from peace brigadesFor details:————————————————————————————#دولة_الخلافة#البيعة_الصوماليةSell a handful of # Somalia Muslim Ibrahim Bin Khalifa Awad Allah full report ready for publicationCopy and publish victories to the CaliphateRemuneration is calculated~~~~For those who missed previous reports: >>Archive static and renewed every day _ God willing _ for:Total #تقارير_الولايات and #أخبار_الخلافةسرية_حفيدات_عائشة@aishaa_1s#الحصاد_اليومي@Islamic_1986Collect and prepare your sister.. The fish in the desert.The fish in the desert@samaka_24♦♦اسالكم الدعاء♦♦By call center activity, mosques in FallujahPosted by akhbardawlatalislam on November 8th, 2015Posted in: Fallujah, mandate pictures. Tagged: mandate of Fallujah, the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, Islamic State, Islamic Caliphate State. Add a commentThe information Office for the mandate of FallujahBy call center activity, mosques in FallujahMandate: the manufacture of water tanksPosted by akhbardawlatalislam on November 8th, 2015Posted in: mandate, photo. Tagged: mandate, the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, Islamic State, Islamic Caliphate State. Add a comment 8yo6u8bpxzo5.png water_container_banner_small.jpga78a9711_small.jpga78a9728_small.jpga78a9733_small.jpga78a9755_small.jpga78a9758_small.jpga78a9764_small.jpga78a9769_small.jpga78a9788_small.jpgimg_9226_small.jpg Warplanes Crusader nasiri City sectionPosted by akhbardawlatalislam on November 8th, 2015Posted in: Aleppo, mandate pictures. Tagged: City section