000 apology 00 his magic effect 00 on Almatdhir 00 and Almatdhir to H00
000 went yesterday my wife and I to visit her younger brother as he is sick and lieutenant hospital ten days ago 00 As soon as we entered the hospital room and if my wife heaped on her brother's advice and sometimes blame at other times, they advise him not to do as well as as well not even located in the disease again, and then go back and blame him strongly because negligence in such and such a disease and was hospitalized, and of course the boy was listening in literature and silence are the big sister, and that in the weak Broken 00 is important to develop I dislike the disposal of my wife that I waited until we finished the visit During our return home and we are in the car my wife Zgert strongly and I told her how Tnhalin to a sick person with so much of the blame and tips together, you should have Cheddi him up and his encouragement to resist disease and then cured tell Matab for K00 course, my wife did not like this rebuke did not track that was Lott Bozha and refrained from talking and I fiddle Buddhist bug ten feet away and we go back home and go to sleep Menkdan 00 In the morning we woke up as usual, but I did not give my wife a dose usual in the morning tenderness and went and Atodat and prayed and after finishing the prayer came my wife in front of me and I sat down and apologized to me with all her heart for Masdr them last night She said she checked herself and she recognizing Bgltha and apologize to him 00 and you were happy with this apology for no reason, but because I did not get used to my wife an apology, culture of apology is not present when the people of Okinawa Island, which belongs to my wife 00 Therefore, this apology snowed my chest and I found myself cheerful and suddenly impersonated Ahmed Zaki - God's mercy - in the movie bey doorman and I said to my wife: we have in our country for the six sad guy Ptsalha 00 and she told me my wife: what way, I said to her: Bossini 00 Aftbat before transient right cheek 00 but I Tasvet to use my right and I told her: Bossini owed 00 Aftbat him warm on my cheek but pleased to 00 and came back Obesity on honey and she went to work and all the happiness she apologized to me and Salehtna 00 and I went to university and I am very Inshirah so that I and I'm in the car on my way to the University remembered that on Wednesday I took sing: I Beah 00 I Beah was 00 yesterday hills 00 remains Thursday er 00
00 er Iajmap think if each one of us made a mistake if acknowledges that he made a mistake and apologize to those who bravely made a mistake in his right, and make sure you will be happy and will delight also apologized to him