"The Russian Aldadt terrorize the women on the streets of Mosul"
- 2015 / 2 / 1
the security department "Al hesbah, Nineveh, Dash
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" bite ".A new method Dash followed by the organization, "which called for some legitimate" teachings "label, the method is illustrated by a specialist in management" D from conflict with the dress to wear the veil or legitimate limit.
In Mosul, the stronghold of Dash governing in Iraq would be contrary to "bite" the wearing of the veil of the most serious might face in their lives. Before the Russian woman's sexual recently used by the organization and its application on the application of wear.Legitimate "for women.
the recently that Russian women who belong to "Dash fears of women of Mosul (North), the second largest city in Iraq after charging more recently, the organization" bite "penalty for breach were not to wear full dress forensics.
"As called by the Aldadt of Mosul, roam the streets of the city, accompanied by members of the majority Sunni so-called arithmetic device responsible for enforcement of legislation Dash" and the application of the death "snapping" against women who might be the one I forgot or shtThe disclosed or revealed a small part of her body underneath the clothes is penalised.
It was female connector on the orders of the Dash teachings on the wearing of the veil and forensics, which is a wide black color long gown and embroideries pet, fearing the wrath of the organization in order to avoid Lqwbath held by residents.Out of the grip of the Iraqi government in June / June, as "unjust and relevance of the mankind".
Check and make sure the wearing of the veil dress and long legitimate fear of the appearance of any part of the ordinary dress under it, Wntlft back while walking in the streets for fear response calculation accompanied by the Russian Aldadt "umm Ahmed, that began with the lady.Residents of Mosul. Describing the procedures with the daughters and sisters Ynwyn while out shopping in the city market.
She adds, "Ahmed", or "fear Aldashyt Russian that are usually accompanied by some elements in the markets, which are those elements with the view of any wrongdoing. A simple dress to wear the veil or the legitimate contrary to this woman some bite.From nowhere a sanctioned by her body.
According to the Turkish Anatolia news agency official, wars and fighting their Dash "around the connector and in many areas with peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces, do not operate up regulation and its application in the city by cityThe Caliphate "areas of control in both Syria and Iraq by the end of June / June.
Word: that was dubbed "or better" to "express not to reveal her name, fearing punishment Dash", "fear of biting. Not only the Russian lady who only know of her being a virtue, also in Russian, but there are women.The officer would accompany the arithmetic elements to do some infractions of the legislation.
or improve a resident of Mosul in the 39 year old, she added that the arithmetic elements belonging to the "Dash" women Ykhyarwn irregularities. The skin (not specifying the number of thumps imposed) or by "biting" who are Aldadat along them.
She pointed out that "Aldadat" some irregularities are sometimes strongly their faces. That leaves on the face or the female body did not effect its removal may take a few days. Not weeks.
Anas al hattab, a pseudonym taken by the doctor at work in Mosul general hospital, for fear of punishment Dash ", that the hospital began weeks ago. Received the" bite "cases of some women infected city.
The woodcutter that during the last week alone, 13 women received the hospital where he works with snapping said they were subjected to a Ldt "Dash women" who are accompanying elements who are counting on the streets of the connector and the "legitimate" contrary dress.
The woodcutter that injuries were in different parts of the bodies of infected, some bites were strong enough to need to disappear for days and weeks. Impact if not leave scars and last a long time if caused considerable damage to the skin.Underneath ".
The organization of the whole Dash hospital in Mosul in particular medical complex which includes the city's major hospitals, and doctors regulation forced them to engage in their business under the to prevent them from leaving or face penalties of up toThey hesitate to serve the "Muslims".
It is the Mosul City, the only region where legitimate "Dash teachings," and also a dress to wear women where there is a legal doctrine in other parts of Iraq and Syria held for more than a year toAnd the cities in the East and North.
at the June 10, 2014, Dash dominated organized in Mosul, ninawa Governorate, before being extended over large areas in the northern, Western and Eastern Iraq. North and east of the Jordan, as well as announced in the same month, what he called the "state succession".
The Iraqi forces and the crowd and the peshmerga forces to regain control of the territory controlled by the Dash in Iraq by coalition air support, under the leadership of the United States launched air attacks on sites of regulation.Syria and Iraq.Teether
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