“العضاضة الروسية” ترعب النساء في شوارع الموصل– 2015/02/01قسم امنيةالوس翻訳 - “العضاضة الروسية” ترعب النساء في شوارع الموصل– 2015/02/01قسم امنيةالوس英語言う方法

“العضاضة الروسية” ترعب النساء في شو

“العضاضة الروسية” ترعب النساء في شوارع الموصل
– 2015/02/01
قسم امنية
الوسوم:الحسبه, داعش, نينوى
3,801 مشاهدة

“العض”.. أسلوب جديد يتّبعه تنظيم “داعش” لفرض بعض مما يطلق عليها تسمية “تعاليمه الشرعية”، ويتجسد هذا الأسلوب بقيام عضو “متخصصة” في التنظيم بـ”عض” من تخالفن ارتداء النقاب أو اللباس الشرعي المحدد.

ففي مدينة الموصل المعقل الرئيس لتنظيم “داعش” في العراق، قد تتعرض من تخالف بعدم ارتداء النقاب لأخطر “عضة” قد تواجهها في حياتها من قبل سيدة روسية الجنسية استعان بها التنظيم مؤخراً لتطبيق تشريعاته بخصوص تطبيق ارتداء “اللباس الشرعي” للنساء.

وأثارت في الآونة الأخيرة هذه المرأة الروسية التي تنتمي لـ”داعش” مخاوف نساء الموصل (شمال) ثاني كبريات مدن العراق بعد أن فرض التنظيم مؤخراً “العضة” عقوبة على المخالفات منهن بعدم ارتداء كامل اللباس الشرعي.

“العضاضة” كما يسميها سكان الموصل، تجوب شوارع المدينة ذات الغالبية السنية برفقة أفراد مما يسمى بجهاز “الحسبة” المسؤول عن تطبيق تشريعات “داعش”، وتقوم بتطبيق عقوبة “العض” بحق النساء اللاتي قد تكون إحداهن نسيت أو سهت عن ارتداء النقاب أو انكشف جزء صغير من جسدها من تحت الملابس ما يعرضها للعقوبة.

وتواظب نساء الموصل بناء على أوامر وتعاليم “داعش” على ارتداء النقاب واللباس الشرعي والذي هو عبارة عن عباءة عريضة سوداء اللون طويلة وخالية من أي تطريزات أو زينة، وذلك خشية من بطش التنظيم وتجنبا لعقوباته التي يراها سكان المدينة التي خرجت من قبضة الحكومة العراقية في يونيو/حزيران الماضي بأنها “ظالمة ولا تمت للإنسانية بصلة”.

“نتفحص ونتأكد من ارتداء النقاب واللباس الشرعي الطويل ونخشى ظهور أي بقعة من اللباس العادي تحته، ونتلفت وراءنا أثناء المشي في الشوارع خشية مواجهة أفراد الحسبة وبرفقتهم العضاضة الروسية”، بهذا ابتدأت أم أحمد السيدة الأربعينية من سكان الموصل كلامها لتصف الإجراءات التي تتبعها مع بناتها الثلاث حين ينوين الخروج للتبضع في أسواق المدينة.

وتضيف “أم احمد” قائلة “نخشى الداعشية الروسية التي عادة ما تكون برفقة عناصر الحسبة في الأسواق، والتي تترقب مع أولئك العناصر مشاهدة أي مخالفة بسيطة في ارتداء النقاب أو اللباس الشرعي لتقوم هذه المرأة بعض المخالفة عضة قوية من أي مكان تطاله من جسدها”.

وبحسب وكالة الاناضول التركية الرسمية، فأن الحروب وجبهات القتال التي يخوضها “داعش” حول الموصل وعلى محاور عدة مع قوات البيشمركة والقوات العراقية، لا تشغل التنظيم عن متابعة تطبيق تشريعاته في المدينة التي يعدها عاصمة لـ”دولة الخلافة” التي أعلنها على مناطق سيطرته في كل من سوريا والعراق نهاية يونيو/حزيران الماضي.

فيما تقول خديجة التي لقبت نفسها بـ”أم تحسين” بغرض عدم كشف اسمها الصريح خوفاً من عقوبة “داعش”، إن “المخاوف من العض لا تقتصر على السيدة الروسية التي تعرف فقط من كلامها باللغة الروسية كونها منقبة أيضاً، وإنما هناك نسوة عراقيات أيضاً يرافقن عناصر الحسبة للقيام بعض النساء المخالفات لتشريعاته”.

أم تحسين وهي من سكان الموصل ويبلغ عمرها 39 عاماً، أضافت بأن عناصر الحسبة التابعين لـ”داعش” يخيّرون النسوة المخالفات في الشارع إما بالجلد (لم تحدد عدد الجلدات المفروضة) أو العض من قبل “العضاضات” اللاتي يكن مرافقات لهم.

وأشارت إلى أن “العضاضات” يقمن بعض المخالفات أحياناً من وجوههن بقوة الأمر الذي يترك على وجه أو جسد المرأة أثراً قد يستغرق زواله أياماً إن لم يكن أسابيع.

يقول أنس الحطاب وهو اسم مستعار اتخذه طبيب ما يزال يعمل في مستشفى الموصل العام، خوفاً من عقاب “داعش”، بأن المستشفى بدأ منذ أسابيع باستقبال حالات “عض” أصيبت بها بعض نسوة المدينة.

وأضاف الحطاب أنه خلال الاسبوع الماضي لوحده استقبل المستشفى الذي يعمل فيه، 13 سيدة مصابة بالعض قلن إنهن تعرضن لعضة من إحدى عناصر “داعش” النسائية اللاتي يرافقن عناصر الحسبة في شوارع الموصل والسبب “مخالفة اللباس الشرعي”.

وأضاف الحطاب أن “الإصابات كانت في أنحاء مختلفة من أجساد المصابات، وبعض العضات كانت قوية إلى درجة أنها بحاجة لعدة أيام ومن الممكن أسابيع لكي تزول آثارها إن لم تترك ندبات تستمر لفترة طويلة إذا تسببت بضرر كبير في البشرة أو اللحم الذي تحتها”.

ويسيطر تنظيم “داعش” على كامل مستشفيات الموصل وخصوصا المجمع الطبي الذي يضم كبريات مستشفيات المدينة، ويعمل فيها أطباء أجبرهم التنظيم على مزاولة اعمالهم في ظل منعهم من الخروج من المدينة وإلا واجهوا عقوبات قد تصل إلى الإعدام لأنهم يتوانون عن خدمة “المسلمين”.

ولا تعتبر الموصل المدينة أو المنطقة الوحيدة التي يطبق فيها “داعش” تعاليمه الشرعية وما يتعلق أيضاً بفرض ارتداء اللباس الشرعي على النساء حيث يطبق تلك التعاليم في مناطق أخرى من العراق وسوريا التي يسيطر منذ أكثر من عام على مناطق ومدن كاملة في شرقها وشمالها.

وفي 10 يونيو 2014، سيطر تنظيم داعش على مدينة الموصل مركز محافظة نينوى، قبل أن يوسع سيطرته على مساحات واسعة في شمال وغرب وشرق العراق، وكذلك شمال وشرق سوريا، وأعلن في نفس الشهر، قيام ما أسماها “دولة الخلافة”.

وتعمل القوات العراقية وعناصر الحشد وقوات البيشمركة على استعادة السيطرة على المناطق التي سيطر عليها “داعش” في العراق، وذلك بدعم جوي من التحالف الدولي، بقيادة الولايات المتحدة، الذي يشن غارات جوية على مواقع التنظيم في كل من سوريا والعراق.

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العمليات المشتركة تروي تفاصيل تحرير جامعة الانبار
نواب : لابد من تقليل حمايات المسؤولين وإحالتهم الى قطعات الجيش والشرطة
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Biter" terrorizes the women on the streets of Mosul-02/01/2015Security sectionTags: arithmetic, daash, Nineveh3801 watch "Biting". New style followed by organizing "daash" to impose some of what has been dubbed the "teachings", this method is a member of "specialized" organize "biting" they contradict the Niqab, or Islamic dress selected.The President's stronghold city of Mosul "in Iraq, daash" may suffer from not wearing the Niqab violates the most serious "bite" has faced in her life by Lady Russian nationality used by the recent application of regulation legislation regarding the application of wear "dress" for women.Recently raised these Russian women that belong to "concerns women daash Mosul, Iraq's second-largest cities after imposing a regulation recently" bite "penalty for infractions were not wearing full Islamic dress."Biter" as residents of Mosul, patrolling streets Sunni accompanied by members of the so-called "Hisba" responsible for implementing legislation "daash", "penalty," champing women who might be forgotten or may have hesitated for one woman wearing the Niqab or revealed a small part of her body under the clothes what it displays.And conducts women Mosul orders and teachings "daash" veil and Islamic dress and a wide black mantle long and free of any accessories or embroideries, fearing heavy-handed regulation to avoid sanctions by the inhabitants of the city emerging from the grip of the Iraqi Government in June as "unfair and nothing for humanity" onion."Examine and make sure to wear the Niqab, Islamic dress and long feared any spot of plain dress underneath, and we turn back while walking in the streets for fear of confronting the hisbah members and accompanied biter", Om Ahmed started forty residents of Mosul Lady talk to describe their procedures with her three daughters while they plan out for shopping in the city markets."Umm Ahmed," saying "we fear Russian aldaashet which is usually accompanied by elements of the Hisba, which looked forward with those elements show no negligence in the Niqab, or Islamic dress for women are some powerful bite infraction anywhere confinement of her body".According to the official Anatolia News Agency, that wars and fronts the "daash" around Mosul and several axes with the peshmerga and Iraqi forces, not running the Organization on monitoring the application of legislation in the capital city of the "caliphate" declared zones of control in both Syria and Iraq end last June.As Khadija which nicknamed itself "or better" not to reveal the name for fear of punishment, "Frank daash", "fears of biting is not confined to the Russian Lady known only by Russian language being veiled too, but there are also Iraqi women they associate with elements of arithmetic to do some breaches of legislation."Or better and are residents of Mosul, 39 years old, adding that the hisbah elements affiliated "daash" women players are forced to irregularities in the street either skin (do not specify the number of lashes imposed) or bitten by "the biting" who escorts them.She noted that "the biting" do some irregularities sometimes wear strength which leaves the face or body exerts its demise may take days, if not weeks.Says Lance lumberjack and a pseudonym taken by the doctor is still working on General Hospital, for fear of retribution ", daash hospital began weeks ago to receive the" biting "suffered by some women of the city.Hattab said that during last week alone the hospital received 13 woman with biting said they suffered bite from a "feminist" who they associate with daash elements of arithmetic in the streets of Mosul and reason "against Islamic dress".Hattab said that "the injuries were in different parts of the bodies of infected, and some bites were strong to the degree they need for several days and possibly weeks to fade effects that have left scars last a long time if caused significant damage in the skin, the flesh underneath.Organize controlled daash "full hospital Mosul, especially medical complex which houses the major city hospitals, where doctors were forced to conduct their work under them from out of town and only faced sentences up to death because they hesitate about" Muslims ".The connector is not the only city or region where "daash" teachings of legality and also impose the wearing of Islamic dress for women where those teachings in other parts of Iraq and Syria which dominated for more than a year to complete regions and cities in the East and North.On 10 June 2014, daash planning dominated Mosul province of Nineveh, before widening its control over large areas in the North, West and East of Iraq, as well as Northern and Eastern Syria and announced in the same month, by what he called "State succession".Works Iraqi forces and elements of the crowd and Peshmerga forces to regain control of areas dominated by "daash" in Iraq, with the support of the international coalition, led by the United States, which waged air raids on positions of the Organization in both Syria and Iraq. Twilight news coolingShare newsParticipationRelated headlinesDocument reveals daash planning war ApocalypseSeriously in Mosul because "biting daash"Edit the Olympic Stadium area and "silo" full grayJo Troy details edit kaysonVice-Chairmen: reduce protections for officials and military and police unitsShare on twitterShare on facebookShare on printShare on favoritesMore Sharing ServicesNo commentsBe the first to comment on the newsAdd commentYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name *Email *WebsiteComment Notify me of follow-up comments via email. Notify me of new topics by email.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"Russian biter" terrorizes women in the streets of Mosul
- 02/01/2015
security department
tags: calculation, Daash, Nineveh
3,801 Show "biting" .. a new method followed by the organization of "Daash" to impose what some called the designation "teachings legitimacy", embodied This method is the fact that "specialized" in the organization by the "bite" of Takalphen wear the niqab or the legitimate dress exact. In the city of Mosul stronghold President to organize "Daash" in Iraq, may be exposed to violate not to wear the veil for the most dangerous "bite" may encounter in her life before Russian citizenship lady hired by the organization recently for the application of its legislation concerning the application of wear "legitimate dress" for women. raised recently this Russian women that belong to "Daash" concerns women northern city of Mosul second largest city in Iraq after the imposition of the organization recently "bite" punishment for infractions of them not to wear full forensic dress. "biter" as he calls it Mosul's residents, roam the streets of the Sunni-dominated city, accompanied by members of the so-called device "calculation" responsible for implementing the legislation "Daash", and the application of the death "biting" the right of women who may be one of them forgot or Sht for wearing the niqab or exposed a small part of her body from under the clothes thus exposing it to the death. and persevere women Mosul on the orders and teachings "Daash" to wear the veil and legitimate dress, which is a cloak petition black long and free of any embroideries or Accessories, fearing the wrath of regulation and in order to avoid sanctions, which sees the city that came out of the Iraqi government grip last June's population as "unjust nor has humanity onion." "examine and make sure to wear the niqab legitimate long dress and we fear the emergence of any part of the normal beneath Dress and Ntfatt behind while walking in the streets for fear of confrontation individuals calculation and accompanied by Russian biter ", this began Um Ahmed Ms. forties of Mosul's residents her words to describe the procedures followed by with her ​​three daughters when intend to go out to shop in the city's markets. It adds the "mother of Ahmed," saying "We fear Aldaashah Russian which is usually accompanied by elements of the calculation in the markets, which are looking forward with those elements watch any minor offense in the wearing of the veil or the legitimate dress this woman to play some offense powerful bite of any place of the reach of her body. " According to the agency Anatolia Turkish official, wars and fronts fighting waged by "Daash" around Mosul and on several axes with the Peshmerga and Iraqi forces, does not occupy organization for monitoring the implementation of legislation in the city prepared by the capital of the "Caliphate State" announced by the control areas in both Syria and Iraq, the end of June last started. As says Khadija, which nicknamed itself the "Mother of improvement" for the purpose of not to be named outright fear of death "Daash", "The fear of biting are not limited to Russian lady who only know of her words in the Russian language as a veiled also, but there are women Iraqi women also accompany elements of the calculation to do some women violations of legislation ". Or improve one of the Mosul residents, aged 39 years, said that the elements of the calculation personnel for "Daash" Given the choice women irregularities in the street either leather (not specify the number of lashes imposed) or biting by "Aledadat" who are not escorts them. She pointed out that "Aledadat" Iqmn some irregularities sometimes from their faces strongly which leaves the face or a woman's body impact may take its removal for days if not weeks. says Anas woodcutter a pseudonym taken by the doctor is still operating in Mosul Hospital year, out of fear of punishment. "Daash", that the hospital began weeks ago to receive cases of "biting" was hit by some wives of the city. He said the woodcutter that during the last week alone, the hospital where he works received .13 woman with gritting reported they had been for a bite of one of the elements. " Daash "women who accompany the elements of calculation in the streets of Mosul and the reason" contrary to the legitimate dress. " woodcutter "The injuries were in different parts of the bodies of the living, and some bites were strong to the point that it needs for several days and could weeks to go away implications if left scars last a long time if caused great damage in the skin or flesh underneath. " controlled organization "Daash" full hospitals Mosul and especially the medical complex, which includes the major city hospitals, and employs doctors forced the organization to conduct their business in light of preventing them from out of town or face penalties up to death because they hesitate to "Muslims" service. does not consider the city or the only region where applied "Daash" teachings legitimacy and also the imposition wear legitimate dress for women where these teachings apply in other areas of Iraq and Syria, which dominated since the Mosul more than a year on the regions and cities fully in the east and north. At June 10, 2014, the organization Daash dominated the city of Mosul, Nineveh province, before it expands its control over large areas in the north, west and east of Iraq, as well as the north and east of Syria, and announced in the same month, the what he called "Caliphate State". The work of Iraqi forces and elements of the crowd and the Peshmerga forces to regain control of the areas dominated by the "Daash" in Iraq, and that air support from the international coalition, led by the United States, which has waged air raids on the organization sites in Syria and Iraq. Twilight News Teether participated news post relevant addresses document reveals Daash planning to the end of the world war injuries eloquent in Mosul because of the "Edadat Daash" edit Olympic stadium area and the "silo" gray full joint operations Troy edit Anbar University Details deputies: needs to be minimized protections responsible and bring them to the pieces of the army and police Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on print Share on favorites More Sharing Services No Comments Be the first to comment on news Add comment will not be published your email address. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new topics by e-mail.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"The Russian Aldadt terrorize the women on the streets of Mosul"
- 2015 / 2 / 1

the security department "Al hesbah, Nineveh, Dash
3,801 see

" bite ".A new method Dash followed by the organization, "which called for some legitimate" teachings "label, the method is illustrated by a specialist in management" D from conflict with the dress to wear the veil or legitimate limit.

In Mosul, the stronghold of Dash governing in Iraq would be contrary to "bite" the wearing of the veil of the most serious might face in their lives. Before the Russian woman's sexual recently used by the organization and its application on the application of wear.Legitimate "for women.

the recently that Russian women who belong to "Dash fears of women of Mosul (North), the second largest city in Iraq after charging more recently, the organization" bite "penalty for breach were not to wear full dress forensics.

"As called by the Aldadt of Mosul, roam the streets of the city, accompanied by members of the majority Sunni so-called arithmetic device responsible for enforcement of legislation Dash" and the application of the death "snapping" against women who might be the one I forgot or shtThe disclosed or revealed a small part of her body underneath the clothes is penalised.

It was female connector on the orders of the Dash teachings on the wearing of the veil and forensics, which is a wide black color long gown and embroideries pet, fearing the wrath of the organization in order to avoid Lqwbath held by residents.Out of the grip of the Iraqi government in June / June, as "unjust and relevance of the mankind".

Check and make sure the wearing of the veil dress and long legitimate fear of the appearance of any part of the ordinary dress under it, Wntlft back while walking in the streets for fear response calculation accompanied by the Russian Aldadt "umm Ahmed, that began with the lady.Residents of Mosul. Describing the procedures with the daughters and sisters Ynwyn while out shopping in the city market.

She adds, "Ahmed", or "fear Aldashyt Russian that are usually accompanied by some elements in the markets, which are those elements with the view of any wrongdoing. A simple dress to wear the veil or the legitimate contrary to this woman some bite.From nowhere a sanctioned by her body.

According to the Turkish Anatolia news agency official, wars and fighting their Dash "around the connector and in many areas with peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces, do not operate up regulation and its application in the city by cityThe Caliphate "areas of control in both Syria and Iraq by the end of June / June.

Word: that was dubbed "or better" to "express not to reveal her name, fearing punishment Dash", "fear of biting. Not only the Russian lady who only know of her being a virtue, also in Russian, but there are women.The officer would accompany the arithmetic elements to do some infractions of the legislation.

or improve a resident of Mosul in the 39 year old, she added that the arithmetic elements belonging to the "Dash" women Ykhyarwn irregularities. The skin (not specifying the number of thumps imposed) or by "biting" who are Aldadat along them.

She pointed out that "Aldadat" some irregularities are sometimes strongly their faces. That leaves on the face or the female body did not effect its removal may take a few days. Not weeks.

Anas al hattab, a pseudonym taken by the doctor at work in Mosul general hospital, for fear of punishment Dash ", that the hospital began weeks ago. Received the" bite "cases of some women infected city.

The woodcutter that during the last week alone, 13 women received the hospital where he works with snapping said they were subjected to a Ldt "Dash women" who are accompanying elements who are counting on the streets of the connector and the "legitimate" contrary dress.

The woodcutter that injuries were in different parts of the bodies of infected, some bites were strong enough to need to disappear for days and weeks. Impact if not leave scars and last a long time if caused considerable damage to the skin.Underneath ".

The organization of the whole Dash hospital in Mosul in particular medical complex which includes the city's major hospitals, and doctors regulation forced them to engage in their business under the to prevent them from leaving or face penalties of up toThey hesitate to serve the "Muslims".

It is the Mosul City, the only region where legitimate "Dash teachings," and also a dress to wear women where there is a legal doctrine in other parts of Iraq and Syria held for more than a year toAnd the cities in the East and North.

at the June 10, 2014, Dash dominated organized in Mosul, ninawa Governorate, before being extended over large areas in the northern, Western and Eastern Iraq. North and east of the Jordan, as well as announced in the same month, what he called the "state succession".

The Iraqi forces and the crowd and the peshmerga forces to regain control of the territory controlled by the Dash in Iraq by coalition air support, under the leadership of the United States launched air attacks on sites of regulation.Syria and Iraq.Teether

shafaq news joined the news sharing

the addresses of relevant document reveals the plan to end world war injuries in a
Dash connector for Dadat Dash "
the liberation of the Olympic Stadium and the" silo "grey full
The joint operations tells the details of editing of Anbar University
s: reduce protections must be responsible and bring them to the military and police units twitter

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