Thus we read of this stage, the knowledge of people of the UAE to the media has got over the time, the difficulty of newspaper production due to lack of means to prevent many one of the input to the script in major newspapers and magazines.I must leave this post to write in the newspapers, good effect on the morale of the book first and then to read that the intellectual production of nationals from the United Arab Emirates.Is production.
- the point is, at this level a number of interested citizens attempting to issue their own newspapers, using what was available from the the possibilities of art is poor and limited possibilities Wbdayyh in most cases.
Press techniques not available to have Wakhraja print. Press and its Balmhnyh and seemed almost impossible under conditions of educational Wthqafyh filler.This has been their newspapers hand written copy, the one of a limited number of copies and distributed for free on the governor's cabinet and some big figures who frequented by citizens
.The following are some of the versions and the known facts and information about: