فهي تتفق في كونها دوريه تصدر كل نصف شهر .في أوقات محدوده وباسم واحد وت翻訳 - فهي تتفق في كونها دوريه تصدر كل نصف شهر .في أوقات محدوده وباسم واحد وت英語言う方法

فهي تتفق في كونها دوريه تصدر كل نصف

فهي تتفق في كونها دوريه تصدر كل نصف شهر .
في أوقات محدوده وباسم واحد وتتنوع في مضمونها المشتمل على الأخبار والمقالات وأعمدة الرأي التي تخوض في شؤون السياسه والأدب والموضوعات الإجتماعيه.
لكنها تختلف عن الصحافه الحديثه في كونها لا تطبع ميكانيكيا ولا توزع بأعداد كبيره فضلا عن كونها لا ترتكز على مشروع مؤسسي وتمويل سخي يضمن لها الازدهار أو البقاء أو الاستمرار.
والطريف في أمر هذه "المنسوخه" أنها حافظت على صدورها كل نصف شهر لمدة عام كامل . وكانت تكتب بخط اليد وتستخدم الحبر المستخلص من الماده السوداء المستخرة من حصى نيلي اللون يستخلص منه سائل يحمل خواص الحبر ، وتوزع نسخها على بعض الشخصيات التي يجيد أصحابها القراءه ومنهم الشيخ سلطان بن صقر رحمه الله الذي كان حاكما للشارقة ما بين 1924- 1952 والشيخ عبد الله بن علي المحمود رحمه الله.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
They are consistent in being a periodical every half month.In times of limited and one name are varied in content that contains news articles and opinion columns in politics, literature and social issues.But it differed from modern journalism it is not mechanically printed and distributed in large numbers as well as being not based on the project founders and generous funding to ensure that prosperity or survival or continuity.And the funny thing is this "copied" it kept the issue every half a month for a full year. It was written by hand and use ink extracted from article almstkherh of the black Indigo color drawn from the grit fluid carries the characteristics of ink, and distributes copied some characters that fluent reading and owners were Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr al who was the ruler of Sharjah between 1924-1952 and Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali almahmoud God's mercy.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
They are consistent in being a periodical issued every half month.
in a limited time and on behalf of one varied in content Almstml news, articles and opinion columns, which is embroiled in the affairs of politics and literature and topics of social.
but they differ Press modern because they do not print mechanically and distributed in large numbers as well as being not based on a draft of the founders and generous funding ensures its prosperity or stay or continue.
Interestingly, in this order, "copied" it maintained the issuance of each half month for a full year. It was written by hand and used the extract of dark matter Almstkhrh ink stones Indigo color draw it means carrying the properties of the ink, and distributes copied on some of the characters that fluent owners reading, including Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr God's mercy, who was the ruler of Sharjah between 1924- 1952 and Sheikh Abdullah Ben Ali Mahmoud, may God have mercy on him.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
They correspond to a periodically published every a half months.
in times of limited on behalf of one of the content including news, articles, columns and opinion which are in literature, politics and social affairs. "But they differ on the press of a mechanically not printed and distributed in large numbers as well as an institutional project is based on generous financing guarantee prosperity stay or continue. "Interestingly, in the Almnswkhh is such that it has issued every a half months for one year.Were written by hand and used black ink recovered from the product Almstkhrt gravel derived from indigo color liquid holding properties of the ink, copies are distributed to some of the characters. Their fluent English, including Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr al Allah's mercyRuler of Sharjah to between 1924 - 1952, Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali al Mahmoud, may God have mercy on him.
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