- نشر الوعي في صفوف اصحاب العمل والعمال حول اعداد وارسال وتوثيق تقارير翻訳 - - نشر الوعي في صفوف اصحاب العمل والعمال حول اعداد وارسال وتوثيق تقارير英語言う方法

- نشر الوعي في صفوف اصحاب العمل وال

- نشر الوعي في صفوف اصحاب العمل والعمال حول اعداد وارسال وتوثيق تقارير الحوادث والامراض المهنية.
• قيام الجهات الرقابية بمهمة تعزيز ونشر التوعية للعمال واصحاب العمل عبر الزيارات، الحملات، الاعلام، البروشرات.
- تطوير نماذج اعداد تقارير سهلة الاستخدام من قبل اصحاب العمل والعمال:
• عقد ورشة لتقييم النماذج واعادة صياغتها وتوزيعها.
- تعزيز التنسيق والتعاون مع شركات التأمين وسوق رأس المال لحين اقرار قانون الضمان الاجتماعي.
- التركيز في الزيارات التفتيشية على توعية العمال واصحاب العمل بضرورة الابلاغ والاشعار باصابات العمل وارسال تقارير الحوادث والامراض المهنية واحصائياتها.
- تكثيف زيارات المتابعة للمنشات التي حدثت فيها اصابات عمل واتخاذ الاجراءات اللازمة من اصحاحات المهنية واجراءات قانونية والتركيز على المنشات الصغيرة والقطاعات غير المنظمة مثل الزراعة والانشاءات.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
-Raising awareness among employers and workers about the preparation and documentation of reports of accidents and occupational diseases.• The regulatory authorities with the task of promoting and disseminating awareness of workers and employers through visits, campaigns, media, albroshrat.-Develop user-friendly reporting forms by the employers and workers:• Hold a workshop evaluation forms and reformat and distribute.-Promote coordination and cooperation with the insurance companies and the capital market until the adoption of the Social Security Act.-Focus on inspection visits to workers ' and employers ' awareness of the need to report and notification of work-related injuries and reporting occupational accidents and diseases and statistics.-Intensify follow-up visits to installations where injuries and action ashahat professional and legal action and focus on the small and unorganized sectors such as agriculture and construction.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
- Raise awareness among employers and workers about the preparation and transmission and document reports of incidents and occupational diseases.
• the regulatory mission to promote and raise awareness of workers and employers through visits, campaigns, media, Albroohrat.
- Development of preparation easy to use reports by employers and workers models:
• hold a workshop to evaluate the models and re-drafted and distributed.
- strengthen coordination and cooperation with the insurance companies and the capital market until the adoption of the Social Security Act.
- Focus on inspection visits to educate workers and employers need to reporting and notification of work injuries and sending occupational accidents and diseases and Its figures Reports.
- Intensifying visits follow-up of the facilities in which work injuries and take the necessary measures of professional chapters and legal procedures and focus on small businesses and unorganized sectors such as agriculture and construction occurred.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To raise awareness among employers and workers about preparing and sending document and report occupational accidents and diseases.
the regulators is to promote education and the workers and owners through visits, campaigns, media, Albrwshrat.
The development models of the preparation of the easy to use by employers and workers:
- held a workshop to evaluate models and drafted and distributed.
- to strengthen coordination and cooperation with insurance companies and the capital market until the adoption of the social security act. "The focus of inspection visits to educate the workers and the employers need to notice and reporting injuries, work and send reports of occupational accidents and diseases statistics. "More follow-up visits Llmnshat with work injuries and to take the necessary measures of occupational Ashahat legal procedures, focus on small enterprises and non organized sectors such as agriculture, construction
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